The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO
When playing Pokemon GO, players need to pay attention to the conflicting issues of the systems to ensure their victory when fighting other Pokemon. This article will provide you with the full conflicting features of different Pokemon systems, helping you ensure victory.
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 1
You can see details about Pokemon systems in the previous article, but quickly, the 18 Pokemon systems in Pokemon GO include:
When playing Pokemon GO, one type can greatly affect another type or vice versa, have no effect at all. Therefore, understanding the counteractions of Pokemon types will give you certain advantages when fighting.
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 2
In there:
- 0x: No effect.
- 1/2x: Attack power is halved.
- 1x: Normal attack.
- 2x: Attack power is doubled.
Pokemon normal type (NORMAL)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 3
- Typical species: Castform, Chansey, Ditto, Eevee, Jigglypuff, Togepi .
- Attack Ability:
- Has no effect on system: Ghost.
- Attack power is halved for Rock and Steel types.
- Defense:
- Unaffected by element: Ghost.
- Take double damage against Fight type.
- Skills that can be learned: Strength, Thrash.
Ice type Pokemon (ICE)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 4
- Typical species: Articuno, Delibird, Jynx, Snorunt, Spheal, Regice.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Dragon, Flying, Gras and Ground types.
- Attack power is halved for the following elements: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water.
- Defense:
- Minor damage by Ice element.
- Take double damage against: Fight, Steel, Rock, Fire.
- Skills that can be learned: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Puch.
GROUND Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 5
- Typical species: Dugtrio, Groudon.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel.
- Attack power is halved against Bug and Grass types.
- Has no effect on Flying type.
- Defense:
- Not vulnerable to system: Electric.
- Minor damage to: Poison, Rock.
- Take double damage against Ice, Grass, Water types.
- Skills that can be learned: Mud Sport, Earthquake, Dig.
Grass type Pokemon (GRASS)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 6
- Typical varieties: Meganium, Oddish, Sunkern, Treecko, Naetle.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Ground, Rock, Water types.
- Attack power is halved for the following elements: Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Steel.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water.
- Take double damage against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison.
- Skills learned: Solarbeam, Leaf Blade, Magical Leaf.
Ghost Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 7
- Typical species: Banette, Gengar, Misdreavus.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Ghost and Psychic types.
- Attack power is halved against Dark elements.
- No effect on system: Normal.
- Defense:
- Unaffected by: Normal and Fight.
- Minor damage from: Bug, Poison.
- Take double damage against Dark, Ghost.
- Skills that can be learned: Cruse, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch.
Flying Pokemon (FLYING)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 8
- Typical species: Ho-oh, Dragonite.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Bug, Fighting, Grass types.
- Attack power is halved for the following types: Electric, Rock, Steel.
- Defense:
- Unaffected by Ground type.
- Minor damage to: Bug, Fighting, Grass.
- Take double damage against: Electric, Ice, Rock.
- Skills learned: Sky Attack, Aeroblast.
Fire Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 9
- Typical species: Entei, Moltres, Charizard, Magmar.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel.
- Attack power is halved for the following elements: Dragon, Fire, Rock, Water.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel.
- Take double damage against: Ground, Rock, Water
- Skills learned: Sky Attack, Aeroblast.
Fighting type Pokemon (FIGHT)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 10
- Typical species: Machamp, Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel.
- Attack power is halved for the following types: Bug, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic.
- Has no effect on system: Ghost.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Bug, Dark, Rock.
- Take double damage against: Fairy, Flying, Psychic.
- Skills that can be learned: Focus Punch, Superpower .
Electric Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 11
- Typical species: Zapdos, Amphamos, Raikou, Electabuzz.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Flying and Water types.
- Attack power is halved against the following elements: Dragon, Electric, Grass.
- Has no effect on Ground type.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Electric, Flying, Steel.
- Take double damage against Ground type
- Skills learned: Thunder, Volt tackle, Zap cannon, Thunderbolt.
Dragon Pokemon (DRAGON)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 12
- Representative species: Dragonnite, Gyarados, Latios and Latias.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks are twice as strong against Dragon types.
- Attack power is halved against Steel elements.
- Has no effect on Fairy type.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Electric, Fire, Grass, Water.
- Take double damage against: Dragon, Fairy, Ice.
- Skills learned: Outrage, Dragon Claw.
Bug type Pokemon (BUG)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 13
- Typical species: Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Dark, Grass, Psychic types.
- Attack power is halved for the following types: Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Poison, Steel.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Fighting, Grass, Ground.
- Take double damage against Fire, Flying, Rock types.
- Skills learned: Megahorn, Signal Beam.
Poison Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 14
- Typical species: Gloom, Gulpin, Spinarak, Muk, Weezing.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Fairy and Grass types.
- Attack power is halved against the following elements: Ghost, Ground, Poison, Rock.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison.
- Take double damage against Ground, Psychic types.
- Skills learned: Toxic, Poison Tail, and Sludge Bomb.
Psychic Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 15
- Typical species: Mewtwo, Mew, Alakazam.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Fighting and Poison types.
- Attack power is halved for the following types: Psychic, Steel.
- Has no effect on Dark system.
- Defense:
- Vulnerable to: Fighting, Psychic.
- Take double damage against: Bug, Dark, Ghost.
- Skills that can be learned: Psybeam, Confusion, Psychic.
Rock Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 16
- Typical species: Golem, Regirock.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice types.
- Attack power is halved for the following types: Fighting, Ground, Steel.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison.
- Take double damage against: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water.
- Skills that can be learned: Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Ancientpower.
Steel Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 17
- Typical species: Beldum, Aggron, Steelix, Mawile, Registeel, Dialga.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Fairy, Ice, Rock types.
- Attack power is halved against the following elements: Electric, Fire, Steel, Water.
- Defense:
- Unaffected by Poison.
- Vulnerable to: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Nomal, Psychic, Rock, Steel.
- Take double damage against: Fighting, Fire, Ground.
- Skills that can be learned: Steel Wing , Iron Tail , Meteor Mash.
Water Pokemon (WATER)
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 18
- Typical species: Kyogre, Slowking, Vaporeon.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Fire, Ground, Rock elements.
- Attack power is halved for the following elements: Dragon, Grass, Water.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water.
- Take double damage against: Electric, Grass.
- Skills that can be learned: Surf, Water Fall.
Fairy Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 19
- Typical species: Xerneas, Sylveon, Togekiss.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as strong against Dark, Dragon, Fight types.
- Attack power is halved for Fire, Poison, Steel.
- Defense:
- Minor damage to: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Dragon.
- Take double damage against: Poison, Steel.
- Skills learned: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam.
Dark type Pokemon
The incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO Picture 20
- Typical species: Tyranitar, Houndoom, Umbreon.
- Attack Ability:
- Attacks twice as hard against Ghost and Psychic types.
- Attack power is halved for Dark, Fairy, Fighting.
- Defense:
- Vulnerable to: Dark, Ghost, Psychic.
- Take double damage against: Bug, Fairy, Fighting.
- Skills that can be learned: Crunch, Faint Attack, Bite.
Hopefully through this article, you have grasped the incompatibility of the systems in Pokemon GO and come up with the appropriate fighting style to win every match.
You should read it
- Pokémon systems when fighting in Pokémon Go
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- Things to know to upgrade Pokémon in Pokémon Go
- Detailed evolution table of Pokemon species in Pokemon GO
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- Maximum index of Pokemon in Pokemon GO
- List of medals received in Pokemon Go
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- How to become a good Pokémon Go hunter?
- Things to know about Buddy Pokemon in Pokemon GO
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