Save ink by ... punching the font

A Dutch company is looking for ways to minimize environmental protection costs in printing by developing a new font, which can reduce the amount of ink needed by 15%.

A Dutch company is looking for ways to minimize environmental protection costs in printing by developing a new font, which can reduce the amount of ink needed by 15%.

Technically, this "Ecofont" environmental protection font will have small holes in the strokes of the characters.

Save ink by ... punching the font Picture 1Save ink by ... punching the font Picture 1 Source: The Register . Spranq, the media and marketing company in the Utrecht (Netherlands), designed this ink-saving font, came up with a painless font design solution like Swiss butter after failing with Experiment using a sliver font or a broken font - like stripes on a zebra pattern.

Gerjon Zomer, co-founder of Spranq, said: " We found out that it is necessary to preserve the size and outline of the characters so that they can be read easily ."

Mr. Zomer admits this font is not nice, but claims it can be used for personal writing or for internal use in a company.

Spranq currently provides this font for free on the company's website. Zomer said its website has skyrocketed traffic since last week, when the Ecofont keyword began to spread. In particular, the majority of international access activities are from the US.

Save ink by ... punching the font Picture 2Save ink by ... punching the font Picture 2

Zomer said he was satisfied in a certain way, because " when you put something on the Internet, you can't know what you're expecting ."

Spranq is inviting developers to continue adding Ecofont fonts to the free and open source model, and Zomer says Arabic and Jewish font versions are also being developed.

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