Optimize website with Mobile Seach

Not only are web designers or developers, administrators need to quickly identify and adapt to many changes of the surrounding environment, thereby giving reasonable strategies to optimize the system. Their website, here we are referring to the search market on mobile devices - Mobile Search ...

TipsMake.com - Not only those who design or develop web, administrators need to quickly identify and adapt to many changes of the surrounding environment, thereby giving reasonable strategies to dark. Optimize their website system, here we are referring to the search market on mobile devices - Mobile Search . This is a fertile land growing constantly, because the current use trend of the user community is moving toward the smart mobile phone platform. However, this Mobile Search market also has certain rules, as well as many differences from the familiar environment. In order to keep up with the development of the surrounding environment, we must not ignore it, but must quickly catch up and adapt to whatever circumstances. In the following article, we will introduce you some basic rules to implement the website optimization process in the Mobile Search market .

1. Use phrases, shorter keywords:

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Most mobile users use short phrases, or part of keywords. Even mobile models with QWERTY keyboards have a lot of disadvantages in typing a lot of words, and this is the main reason why they are quite 'mean' while searching. In fact, the limit of keywords here in 1-2 words, if not quickly improve the keywords on the website accordingly, you will certainly lose a lot of advantages in the Mobile Search market share .

2. Mainly searching for information around:

Besides, mobile users mainly search for items, shops, restaurants . around where they are. In fact, this is quite understandable, for example, if a person is standing on some street and looking for a place to buy goods, they will definitely only find places around that place, such as' what Duy Tan and Cau Giay Street episodes, not ' Hanoi practice machines ' or ' Ho Chi Minh practice machines '.

3. Specific provisions on search data:

It is easy to see that the information related to sports, news, weather, financial information, stock market . is what is most searched on the mobile platform. dynamic now. If your website is built with the main theme related to the above factors, then definitely have to apply search keyword optimization, interface and functionality.

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4. On Mobile Search, the top 10 position is actually the top 3:

In fact, mobile users 'hate' dragging down the results page and clicking Next, Next . on the next page. Typically, a page with 10 results returned by the system is fully displayed on the Desktop, but will be divided into 2 or 3 pages on mobile. Therefore, if the top 10 position on Mobile Search is the top 4 or even the top 3, because only the 3rd or 4th position on the first page display, and the opportunity to attract the attention of The user is also much higher than the next page.

5. Organizing websites according to the system:

Upload your website to major mobile search engines and mobile portal. This will become much more convenient when most of the traffic to the website comes from Google as well as other Search Engines , but if you want to increase traffic more then nothing is better than Search Engine for Mobile and mobile portal . This can be considered an abundant and very useful 'resource' for the mobile devices market, so we should not ignore them. The habit of most users is to restrict search through Google or other Seach Engine , but instead they regularly access familiar Portal pages. If your website is displayed in these portals, the number of users will increase rapidly.

6. Strictly complying with Mobile regulations:

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The standard ink for Mobile Search differs quite a lot from the regular SEO process, and if you want the website to be 'visited' by spiders or crawlers regularly, you should follow and apply those rules strictly. Users should refer to Mobile regulations at W3C. Or if your website does not meet these standards, it will still be listed in the search results list but it is Transcode - code conversion with Search Engine , and greatly affects the results displayed.

7. Don't forget the file Meta.txt:

We all know that Meta.txt is a comprehensive data file, here you will put brief descriptions about the website. And technically, search engine spiders or crawlers will directly index the meta.txt file at the root of the website, so if the rest of the website is not accessible, it will still be displayed in search results. Meta.txt is similar to robots.txt in Desktop Search , there are some points similar to metatag , users can put more content here (with the same way as Description and Keywords ). The main format used in the meta.txt file is a colon (similar to robots.txt), each field in this file is built according to the syntax:


Besides, the biggest advantage of meta.txt is that it is easy to analyze by users and Seach Engine system .

8. Do not create and use long or too long pages:

This is of course, since most mobile users do not have enough time to read the entire site, as well as pull down the site and select pages 2 and 3 onwards. This is the main reason why you should design and build a short version of the website for Mobile, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore important factors like keywords.

9. 'Predict' what factors are common to Mobile Search:

Enhance using common phrases when users search for the information they want. If the keyword system placed in the website matches many keywords or from the results returned by Seach Engine , your website will easily 'come' to users.

10. Check the website displayed on many different mobile devices:

This is a very important factor to ensure the success of the website, especially as more and more new phones with different display sizes. Of course we cannot test all possible cases, but at least meet the most popular models on the market. One fact is that mobile users are very sensitive to sites with bad interface, overly colorful, unclear functions or display that do not fit into their screens. So checking and previewing - preview is indispensable.

Good luck!

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