Optimize Search Engine for your Website
Network Administration - Whether your Website is new or 10 years old, managing its presence with Search Engines is a very important issue for the success of a website. A typical website has up to 61% of traffic from search engine results and 41% of traffic comes from Google alone. Ensuring a company's high-level site in the search results page is a crucial task, which is why search engine optimization (SEO) is now a frontier area in IT.
Optimize Search Engine for your Website Picture 1
No one knows exactly what combination of methods will maximize the ranking of a website in the search results page, but many people have developed some approximations based on history and experience. . We have consulted with some experts about what tips or tricks to optimize a website's search problem and below are the issues summarized.
Know which keywords are optimized
Optimizing the Search engine is useless if you don't know what you're trying to optimize. For some businesses, it is easy to choose the right keywords: a trader specializing in candy products will choose candy, cake, chocolate or English as candy, chocolate , or something like that. However, for other businesses' sites is not always that easy, for these sites the choice of keywords for them is a problem. Which term does an online store that sells many different products need to emphasize? And websites with general interest covering a large number of topics which search terms will use?
For starters, you should rely on your decisions about which terms are relevant to your business to optimize, these are the terms most often searched for. One way to evaluate the popularity of search terms is to use an online keyword tool designed to see which general terms are searched the most. Both the Google Keyword Tool Keyword Suggestion Tool Google Tool can help you make this problem, with an accurate judgment of search volume for any term you choose, this tool will recommend you the terms relevant so you don't have to spend much time thinking.
In the end it is also a game of numbers: You need to be optimized for the terms that have the highest traffic and the most relevant for the issues in your Website. Optimizing your website for terms that no one has ever entered into the search engine will not generate any traffic for your site, no matter how enthusiastic you pursue it. Therefore, before you do anything, carefully select some important terms for optimization.
Focus on the title tags and URLs
The title tag also needs to add to your SEO efforts. When it comes to indexing content, the search engine handles the words in these tags - or rather, the text appears in the title bar in the browser - almost the most important component on a website. For that reason, you should load it with your keywords, making every title tag on the site unique. One advice for you in this case is, you should treat the tags that exist like the titles of hundreds of books you have published and want customers to find it: 'If you set all with the same title, no one can know what difference they have. '
Years ago, some people thought that URL structure was completely irrelevant and only the actual content of the new page was really a necessary issue. However, search engines today are only interested in keywords in URLs more than keywords in the pages themselves.
It's really worth it if you take the time to make your keywords as part of the URL structure. A Quantum of Solace segment (for example) is available on the URL www.quantrimang.com/quantum-of-solace instead of www.quantrimang.com/11/&id=27 . These clear URLs not only help search engines work but also help users.
Need to know how other components link to you
If you like readers who link to download.com.vn, a website that specializes in our download software, but a link like ' download.com.vn ' has very positive effects on The ranking that my site receives from search engines compared to a link like 'download software here'. Why so? This is because search engines will take into account the hyperlinked phrase to link.
If you want to increase your rank in a keyword or phrase, you need to encourage others to use those keywords in paragraphs that contain hyperlinks to your site, instead of just using names. site. To make this easy, you can provide a piece of HTML that you like the affiliate site to use: Many people simply copy and paste it into their Website instead of having to spend time. to adjust.
Spelling must be clear
Your site (and especially your keywords) should be clear and not misspelled. Experience has shown that the word 'Typos' has caused a big problem for eBay sellers, and the truth is that they will only know why no one ever paid for a name-ring product after all. " Tiffanny "of them.
Pay attention to Flash
Flash websites look pretty cool, but search engines don't care about it. The more content of your site is closer to plain text (plain text), the better search engines perform its work. Today, though the Search engines are gradually working better with Flash, if you want to see results in search pages, text and HTML are still the best way.
Anti-theft and duplicate content
One of the most difficult SEO problems to treat is the issue of content replication - the trend of other sites stealing your articles and re-publishing them as their own. All search engines find it hard to recognize which version is the original version, so you can be treated unfairly as a mirror page if the engine fails to recognize anyone's copy. Who. Duplicate sites will appear in the search results pages since the searcher clicks on the search engine link: " repeat the search with the omitted results included ," but not many users do so.
To deal with these content replication cases, many Web hosts have mechanisms for reporting this abuse as a copyright infringement. (For example, Google Blogger service has such a notification system.) The process can be very complicated, but your efforts will be rewarded if they help you to prevent the disadvantages that those who are not beautiful affect you.
Test with OnlyWire
OnlyWire allows you to automatically submit a content page to more than 20 social bookmark pages with one click. OnlyWire also allows you to embed a "bookmark & share" link on your pages to allow other visitors to do the same. For best results, individuals should bookmark their own homepage and small pages each month. ' Submitting selected content to major social news sites may overwhelm traffic, but this is really a very 'hit-or-miss' strategy.
Use phrases that link between pages
If you use phrases with internal hyperlinks in your home page, linking the content is done by yourself, linking from one page to another within your Website will help improve rankings in the search results page.
Quality is top priority
This is obviously too obvious for the optimal problem, the quality of your Website content must be the first in any SEO strategy. Search-engine results are affected by a wide range, which is the number of links to your content, whether they come from blogs, news stories or news sites. other society. Unless you allow visitors a compelling reason to link to your site, you will not get these links and will not increase your rankings in the search page - even if the keyword is How often do you appear in your homepage. Write blogs that post stimulating content. Create interesting copies for goods in your category. Includes both photos and videos on the pages. Do anything you can set yourself from millions of other Web sites.
Don't let SEO follow a fixed path
The final section for Fishkin's advice: ' SEO has never taken into account user experience or usability. What is good for users will always be the best way for the engine, so building the best Web site within your capabilities - with the best content, the best design and the best architecture - will gives you success in ranking the search engine. Make sure that whatever you build, the search engine is easily accessible and then success will come to you . '
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