Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 3)
In Part I and II we explained the term SEO and how the Search Engine works in website promotion. As you know, keywords are the most important component when you want to be effective SEO, but for the website to exist and always be appreciated, we need to have good content, focusing on the readers need . This last part will cover how to present elements in web pages, URLs and methods to increase traffic.
6. Intuitive additional features and SEO
As mentioned above, search engines have no means of indexing directly additional features like images, audio, flash movies and javascript. Instead, they depend on you to provide descriptions and based on which you can index these files. In a sense, the situation is similar to the text of 10 years ago - you will provide a description in the meta tag, then search engines use them to index and process your site. If technology continues to improve, someday search engines can index images, movies . will no longer be a dream.
6.1 Image
Images are an essential part of any website and from the designers' point of view this is a mandatory item for all websites. However, here designers and search engines are two different poles because for the search engine, all information hidden in the image will disappear. When working with designers, it sometimes takes time to explain to them that it is imperative to have text links (with appropriate anchor text) rather than images. It can be difficult to find the balance of performance between art and SEO-friendly, but since even the best websites disappear in cyberspace if it is not search engine found, a compromise on visual appearance is inevitable.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 3) Picture 1
After what we have said, it does not mean ignoring the whole image, and for today it is certainly impossible, as a result the site will become disordered. Instead, images should be used for illustration and decoration, not for navigation or worse - to display text (for example, in a fancy font). And most importantly - in the properties of the card, always provide a meaningful description text for images. The HTML specification does not require this, but it is very important for search engines. In addition, you need to place meaningful names for images instead of generic ones like image1.jpg, image2.jpg, imageN.jpg . examples of an image file with full name and supply information. enough alt attributes. Note that there are no more than 20 words in the tags because this will be suspected of ' cramming ' the keyword.
6.2 Animation and movies
The situation with animations and movies is similar to the image above. They are valid from the designers' point of view but are not sympathetic to search engines. It's easy to see that creating an impressive flash introduction page on the homepage of your website is still quite popular, but you can't imagine that it is a disadvantage to search engines - the number one enemy of the top rankings. class. Even worse, if we use flash to tell a story that can be written in plain text, crawling and indexing by search engines will be very slow. One solution is to provide the search engine with an HTML version of the flash movie, but in case you are sure you have excluded the original flash movie from indexing (this is done in the robots.txt file * ), otherwise you will be penalized for duplicate content.
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There are rumors that Google is building a new search technology that will allow searching inside animations and movies, the .swf format will contain new metadata that can be used by the search engine. But it is better to limit the use of too much Flash or at least provide a descriptive text description for the movie with a card.
6.3 Frames
Using frames will make websites slow down, but the technology has gradually disappeared five or 10 years ago. In the past designers often used this card, but with search engines it did not. The search engine has difficulty indexing pages that use frames because the website URL does not change even if any frame is opened. For search engines this is a shock because the fact that there are many pages coexisting on one URL, while for search engines, each URL is only one page. Of course, search engines can track links to other websites in the frameset and index them, but that is still a major obstacle to ranking websites.
If you still want to use frames, make sure you always provide a meaningful description for the site in the tag. Even for beginners, we just need to memorize the card
is the place to assign an alternate version (or at least a brief description) to your site on the search engine and the browser does not support frames. Such as:
6.4 JavaScript
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language developed from prototype ideas. On the browser, many websites use JavaScript to design dynamic websites and some visual effects through the DOM. JavaScript used to perform some tasks cannot be performed with only HTML such as checking input information, automatically changing images, etc. Originally, HTML was not a programming language for building To build web applications, no one can use HTML to process a database written or even for a session to store information.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 3) Picture 5
Search engines now ignore only the JavaScript they encounter on a page. If you have links within JavaScript code, it probably won't be spider * . Second, if JavaScript is in the HTML file (not in the .js files called when needed) then the HTML file and the spider itself may just ignore it and move to the next web page. You can use the card
7. Static URLs compared to dynamic URLs
Based on the previous sections, you may have noticed that the search engine algorithm always tries to bring down all efforts to design a brilliant website. It explained why search engines are not like images, movies, applets and other extras. Now you might think that search engines don't like dynamic URLs. In fact, users are not interested in URLs like because it does not display the content of the page.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 3) Picture 6
There are several reasons why static URLs have a higher score than dynamic URLs. First, dynamic URLs do not always create the required website after the user performs some actions (press the submits on the form or use the search engine on the website). In a sense, such a site does not exist in the search engine, because they are indexed by crawling rather than by filling in the form.
Second, even if a dynamic website has been created by the previous user's request and stored on the server, the search engine can ignore it if there are too many question marks and special characters. other. There was a time when search engines did not index all dynamic websites, they were still indexed today but generally slower than static web pages.
A static URL can make the search engine index easier. Plus while rewriting the path you can add keywords to the URL. A static Web site now has an advantage in search results rather than a dynamic Web page. However not so that we return to static HTML. The pages controlled by the database are really great but it would be better if your site serves search engines and users use a format that can be easily handled. One of the solutions to dynamic URL problems is ' rewrite ' URLs with URL rewriting technology. There are many special tools (for different platforms and servers) that can rewrite URLs in a friendly format, and they will appear in the browser like a regular HTML page. You can try the URL Rewriting Tool, it will help you convert cryptic text into something more readable.
8. Promote your website to increase Traffic
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 3) Picture 7
The main purpose of SEO is to make the owner's website visible to the search engine, resulting in higher rankings in the results of the search page. Thus bringing greater traffic (access), and finally having more customers. In fact, SEO is just an alternative to promoting your website, increasing traffic. There are many online and offline ways to achieve high traffic goals and reach customers. In the scope of this article we do not mention methods, but you just need to be aware that search engines are not the only way to attract visitors to your site, although that is the choice. choose appropriate and relatively easy to do.
8.1 Submit website to Search Directories, forums and specific websites
After you've finished optimizing your site, it's time to submit it to the search engine. In general, for search engines you don't need to do anything special to get indexed - they will come and find you. Can not say exactly when they will visit your site for the first time and how long it will take to return. Sure, you can Submit the website's URL in the search engine but this way does not hope that it will jump to that site immediately. Moreover, even if you have submitted the URL, most search engines have the right to evaluate whether to crawl this site. Anyway you can Submit URLs at three major search engines .
In addition to search engines, you may also want to include your site in search directories (directories rather than search engines). Although search directories also list related topics, they have some differences in search engines. First, the search directories are usually maintained by humans and the websites in it are browsed accordingly after submitting. Second, search directories do not use crawler to get the URL, so you need to go to them and submit your site. Some of the most popular search directories are .
Sometimes posting a link to your website on specific forums or websites will be a miracle of traffic. You need to find the top forums / websites in your area of interest, even a simple search in Google or other search engine will retrieve their names. For example, if you operate hardware, you can type ' hardware forums ' in the search box and the results will return a list of favorite sites in this field. Then check to see if the website allows posting links. Posting on the forum is quite time-consuming compared to submitting to a search engine but is also quite useful, sometimes the results are surprising.
8.2 Search tool by specialty
Google, Yahoo !, and MSN are not just search engines on earth, not even simply general purpose things. Each service has many different purposes and Specialized Search Engines , one of which can be really helpful to reach your audience. You cannot imagine how many aspects of specialized search engines exist - from law, to development, to education! Some of them gather huge Webwide resources on a specific topic, but most of them have a link to submit to external websites of interest. So, once you've found the right dedicated search engine, go there and submit your URL - this is proven to be more traffic than an effort on Google's TOP.
8.3 Paid advertising and Submissions
In the previous section we mentioned some search engine alternative SEO methods such as forums, specialized sites and search engines and search directories . But if you need to make sure your website is always noticed, you can think of paid advertising services - paid ads and interaction with readers - Submissions . Website will be assured of the appearance in the search results of most major tools, accept payment to place your URL in the Links Paid section for related keywords. However, in the minds of users in general, they do not rely much on paid links compared to regular pages. In a sense it seems that you are ' bribing ' the search engine - which is not one's own. So think twice about the pros / cons of paying to be ' promoted '.
Hopefully, the three basic SEO sections presented will help readers, new website owners will have useful experiences to manage their website so as to attract more readers. Best regards!
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