6 steps to write good content in SEO
The trend of 2013 SEO is widely appreciated as a fierce competition among the trends of focusing on content, taking the content as a platform to serve the search needs of users.
Considering the positive aspect, the content not only helps you to have focused traffic, target the right audience but also a method to maintain interaction with readers in the long term.
The difficulty of writing that content is the idea. But don't stop there, have an idea, but how to write that article can get high rankings on search results as soon as it is posted? We will help you partially answer this question right in the following SEO content writing tutorial.
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What is an SEO standard article?
Here are the criteria for a search engine friendly article:
- Written naturally, do not repeat a keyword too many times.
- Important keywords must always be ' mix' into related sub-keywords. Example: Installing WordPress and Installing a WordPress blog.
- Important keywords should appear once in the first part of the article, 2 times in the middle and 1 time at the end of the article.
- Important keywords must be put on meta tags and tags.
- The meta description tag must contain both important keywords and sub keywords, called modifiers for it, but still friendly to search queries.
- The title of the article is always in the H1 tag pair .
- Important keywords should be put on the Heading tab (H2, H3 in the article) and bold when needed, avoiding italic and underline printing. Also avoid the type of bolding a keyword many times.
- Internal Linking should lead to other articles with the appropriate anchor text and each of those internal links should have title tags .
And most importantly, choosing as well as using the optimal keyword as possible, this is the crux of the problem.
Here are 6 steps to write SEO articles:
Step 1 - Choose the most interesting and optimal article topic:
There is a funny problem here: there are some posts that are always top 1 but get very few hits on it, simply the topic of that article is not much interest. And gradually later, if you pay close attention, you will see that when posting a post that receives a lot of comments, it is like the next article is related to it, because this topic will be of great interest to many people. That is the opportunity to "attract" very great traffic that we should not ignore.
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So before starting to invest a few articles that we will determine it as the foundation to pull traffic to the site, choose the topics that are most interested in but still in your writing ability. You can use Google Trends to track the search frequency of several keywords you're targeting, or use Google Adwords Keyword Tools to see if keywords tend to grow by month or by one. some way that you think is the best.
So in this article will choose an SEO topic. Which is specifically writing SEO content. Here are a few reasons to choose this topic:
- The 2013 SEO trend is focused on content SEO and many people are interested in this issue.
- Other topics like the Link Building have too many people writing.
- This topic size is quite narrow, easy to write and focused on keywords. For example, if the topic is selected ' Onpage SEO Guide 2013 ″ , it is also related to the article SEO standard but if analyzed, the topic is too wide because it is not only optimized for articles but also optimized. code, website structure, page loading speed .
In short, what you need to do in this step is to Choose a topic related to the previous posts available on your site, narrow the size of its content and make sure you write well the topic. .
Step 2 - Keyword Research (Keyword Research): Choose a word that is searched by many people:
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There are now very few people looking for something they need with a short keyword. For example, if they want to listen to music, few people will go to Google to type ' listen to music' , it's bad, it must be 'good music' or ' listen to music' something. So if you're trying to focus on a short keyword that you think is popular, consider it again, even if it's popular, but for a smart, potential reader, they won't. Search time like that on Google.
Back to the topic, if I were to focus on the topic of SEO Standard Posts, I was forced to think of keywords that readers could use to find articles like the ones I was about to write, some suggestions. will be given as:
- Write articles for SEO.
- How SEO content.
- Write a friendly Google article.
- How SEO keywords when writing blogs.
- Articles follow SEO standards.
The keywords given here you should not choose 1, it is best to select all but it is imperative to choose 1 key word. The remaining keywords you will use as secondary keywords and spread evenly in the article to avoid boredom for the reader but still supplement the keyword for the main keyword. But what if you have few suggestions?
How to find more ideas for keyword placement on Google Adwords Keyword Tools:
It is better to prepare 5, 6 sub-keywords related to the main keyword. If you are not enough, now we will use Google Adwords Keyword Tools to find keywords related to it and will be able to know if it has many people searching or not. When you enter here to study keywords, you should pay attention to some parts that you have ticked below to be able to retrieve the results correctly:
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(Encouraging) - Exploring competitors:
One problem that you should also pay attention to before posting an important article is to explore other articles online with the same topic that will become your 'opponent ' when the article is published. The article criteria can help you overcome your competitors:
- The amount of comments must be large.
- The article is more detailed, easier to understand, more neatly decorated than the opponent.
- Optimize keywords on title, description better than competitors.
In addition, there are many other criteria but it depends on each topic. According to the topic Write SEO standard, when you search for Google with the keyword ' bai viet SEO ', it produces the following results:
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So you can see the first 6 results focus on the keyword ' writing' and take the keyword ' SEO' from its support. At this time to think, whether to continue to focus on keywords Write articles for SEO or Write SEO standard or not when there are many focus at the same time? This answer can depend on each person, who likes to try and focus, and who wants to find a better way than confrontation, find other keywords better but still be able to surpass the other posts. . And after thinking, I decided to choose the phrase ' Write content ' as the main keyword and phrases like 'Writing', 'SEO', 'SEO standard' will all become sub-keywords. Because of:
- The keyword 'content' is increasingly being used in SEO circles, which are 'Content development', 'SEO content' . it is better than the keyword 'writing'.
- Less competition but tends to increase.
- The phrase 'Content' you can easily navigate to the keyword 'post' .
Step 3 - Structuring the article:
After you have ' on hand' the keywords that you know will focus on the article, it seems that you have reached 50% of the road, having keywords is all there.
But for your articles to be quality, readers are easy to read, understand, professional, coherent content . the most important thing is that you have to have a complete article structure. A quality article should never be written from end to end because it is difficult to read, it should be broken down into sections in a logical order so readers can capture the content when hovering over content without being read into.
On the other hand, apply Heading tags (H2 to H4) as the article title because from then on, search bots always focus on these tags rather than bold words.
Step 4 - Write content according to SEO standards:
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You can easily realize that after having a complete article structure, you can easily embark on writing content, the idea from there is always pouring out non-stop. But in particular about writing content, there is not a complete formula at all, as well as writers who always have a different style of writing. So to be good at writing, there is only a way to write a lot, write anytime, anywhere, write about everything, it is best to create a blog to become a blogger to practice writing skills to become more religious. Or you can refer to other people's posts, reading blogs daily is also a good way to practice writing skills.
There is one problem that you may notice in professional bloggers is that they write like speaking - as if they are writing, they can 'synchronize' between words and written words so that they can communicate fully. feelings to the reader. So when embarking on writing content, temporarily forget the keywords you have chosen before, focusing entirely on expressing the article so that it becomes the most natural, unbounded in a dry way. khan. After writing, you can read the article again and correct the keywords to make it more optimal, avoiding keywords that become distracting, distracting or repeated too many times.
Don't forget to put internal links into the article
There is one more element that all other copywriters apply: inserting links back to articles that are related to a certain keyword phrase in the article. This not only facilitates the search bot to continue to update old posts, increase Page Authority for that site, but also helps you increase Pageview significantly because it may be useful for those internal links. star.
Do not leave out the foreign link either:
If you have some internal links in your article, you should also consider inserting links pointing out (pointing to other websites, also known as Outbound Link). Here are 3 main reasons to frequently insert pointing links out:
- Increase the abundance of articles with links to related posts in other blogs.
- Tightening the relationship between me and other websites, is also a very 'friendly' way of communicating .
- Sword pingback / trackback from the post is pointing to. This is also quite a quality backlink format, but only works with sites that have pingback / trackback features enabled.
Step 5 - Write the optimal title for SEO and must be attractive:
The title is considered to be the face for that article, but readers who do not read it understand what you will write in it. A good title usually meets the following factors:
- Short but full description of the content.
- Contains the main keyword you are focusing on.
- Attractive, look made want to click always.
Explanation is a bit lengthy, try comparing the two article titles below:
- Option 1: How to write articles according to SEO standards to optimize search engines.
- Option 2: 6 steps to write SEO articles to optimize search engines.
- Option 3: Instructions for writing articles according to the full SEO standards.
So if it was you, what would you click on when you saw these 3 titles? The following is an analysis of each title:
- Option 1: Also concise, also contains important keywords but it doesn't seem very attractive because readers are not 100% sure whether the article is of good quality or just a suggestion.
- Option 2: Also concise and contains important keywords but its advantages are to say 'make 6 steps', now readers will know that this is a step-by-step tutorial, quite rewarding for newcomers.
- Option 3: It is also appealing to newcomers but the word 'whole episode' is sometimes not very popular.
So, here you will choose option 2. Titles like this are always appealing to the reader, but it is also very boring if you apply all kinds of titles like that. It is best to apply only to important, relevant articles.
Step 6 - Make sure you've 'spread' enough keywords into the article:
As step 4 says, when you finish writing the content, you should read the article again and correct the keywords in the lesson to make it more optimal. The optimal keyword is not that it is repeated from the beginning to the end of the article, but to apply additional keywords inserted in order to make changes, on the other hand you also avoid Penguin about deliberately stuffing. insert - keyword spam.
What should I do after posting?
Sometimes not an article is posted that it can achieve the highest rank, but want to achieve it requires you to do a few more steps to speed up the index time, and easy to achieve Best ranking in short time. Here are some common things to do after posting an article:
- Like it and +1 it right away.
- Share that article on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter instantly.
- Use Onlywire to automatically post to other Social Bookmarking and Social Networking sites.
- Introduce to friends to read and send comments, the more comments the post, the more diverse the keywords of that article are because Google has indexed the readers' comments
- Link new articles to relevant old posts and vice versa.
At this point, it is considered that you have just written a pretty friendly article with search engine, SEO standard already. After writing the article, you should ask yourself some more questions to be able to optimize the article better. Some questions like this you need to answer each time you write a lesson:
- Is the article structure easy to understand? Does the structure need to be revised so that readers can easily capture the content?
- Has my post had videos or images yet? If not, will it be more useful and interesting to insert images or videos into the lesson?
- Does this article bring value to readers? Are you sure that many people will like it and then share it?
- Has the article made full use of the extra keywords you found in step 2?
- Re-read the article again, is there any misspelled, misleading or mischievous error?
- Look back at your competitors, will you win a high position after this article is posted 2, 3 days? Need to optimize again?
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