MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 1: Get familiar with Microsoft Excel
Parallel to the post about Microsoft Word being posted, will give a series of articles about Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. I hope that this knowledge will be really useful for you who are new to Microsoft Office suite as well as for office workers.
Maybe some people who are familiar with Excel 2003 spreadsheets do not know that the spreadsheet you are using has a maximum of 256 columns and 65,536 lines; The maximum number of worksheets you can add is 255 sheets. With this huge number, managing tables becomes much simpler because it is possible to store 255 tables on 255 sheets in an Excel file.
1. Data types in Excel 2003 spreadsheet
When working with spreadsheets you will have to become familiar with a lot of data types, but all those types of data are based on 3 basic types: Number type, Font type and Formula type.
a. Typeface :
Font data is always on the left side of the cell (cell), it includes letters, numbers and special characters. If a cell has numeric data that you want to convert to text, you must have an apostrophe (') in front of that cell.
MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 1: Get familiar with Microsoft Excel Picture 1
b. Number type :
The numeric data is always on the right of the cell. The values of date, time, currency, percent . are numeric data (can be calculated plus, minus, multiply, and divide).
Note : the date value if you enter it correctly (usually month / day / year) will be on the right of the cell, if it is entered incorrectly, it will be on the left of the cell (equivalent to the type)
MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 1: Get familiar with Microsoft Excel Picture 2
c. Formula type :
Formula data is data that begins with the signs: =, +, -, * (most commonly, using the = sign).
- Calculation formulas in data types :
Add + Subtract - Multiply * Divide / Percent%The separator between decimal places is usually a period (.), And the separator between thousands of numbers is a comma (,). (Example: 1000000 = 1,000,000; also ½ = 0.5)
- Logical functions :
- OR : function or
- AND : function and
- NOT : negative function
-In addition to the formula type, it will often be combined with calculation functions (this section will be introduced in the next lesson)
2. Types of addresses
Each cell has a separate address to distinguish and calculate. The address of the cell is named after the column symbol and the corresponding line number of that cell. (Example: cell C3 is in column C, line 3), the address of the cell you will see on the left side of the Formular bar (the toolbar is just above the worksheet).
There are 4 types of cell addresses you must remember : Use F4 to change between address types
- Relative address : is the usual address that you often see, this address will change the whole column when copying the formula (this section will introduce later). The relative address symbol is: tencottendong ( Example: C3 )
- Absolute address line : is the address whose line does not change but the column changes. The symbol of the absolute address line is: tencot $ tendong ( example: C $ 3 is the absolute address of line 3 )
- Absolute column address: is the address where the column does not change but the row changes. The symbol of the absolute address column is: $ tencottendong ( example: $ C3 is the absolute address of column C )
- Absolute address : is the address where both the column and the row are not changed when copying the formula. The symbol of this address is: $ tencot $ tendong ( example: $ C $ 3 is the absolute address for both column C and line 3 )
MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 1: Get familiar with Microsoft Excel Picture 3
Address space : you will have to use the address space very much when making spreadsheets, this address area shows which box you are choosing from. The address space symbol is as follows: tencot1tendong1: tencot2tendong2 (For example, you are selecting the area from cell C3 to H5, the address space will be C3: H5)
( Also )
You should read it
- MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 3: Manipulating data in spreadsheets
- MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 2: Format spreadsheet data
- MS Excel 2003 - Lesson 8: Excel Macro - Automate complex tasks
- How to change the file extension XLSX to XLS to open in Excel 2003
- How to hide and hide sheets in Excel and show them again
- How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020)
- Summary of the most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts you should know
- Complete guide to Excel 2016 (Part 9): Working with multiple spreadsheets
- How to use the Match function in Excel
- Instructions on how to split cells in Excel 2003 and 2007
- How to convert money into words in Excel, without an add-in, supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel
- How to display 0 in front of a number in Excel