If you don't like downloading the Moon FM application to your mobile device, you can choose to listen to the radio on the web. Just go to the address https://www.moon.fm , then click Login to log in to use the full function as the mobile version.
Moon FM, the new Radio listening application for Android and iOS Picture 11
Please note, you must have an account to be able to listen to the radio on Moon FM. However, if not, you can still get the link of your favorite radio, podcast and play it with another program like VLC. In the Radio section, select Live Radio and proceed to search for radio channels through filters. When you find the radio channel, press the three dots button > select Open Stream URL In New Window and copy the link or download the file pls / m3u8.
Moon FM, the new Radio listening application for Android and iOS Picture 12
In the Podcast section, select the desired podcast program. Soon after, you will receive the link for RSS, iTunes and website. You can download radio episodes in the podcast by pressing the three dots button > O pen Stream URL In New Window .
Moon FM, the new Radio listening application for Android and iOS Picture 13
Wish you have an enjoyable experience!
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