Learn about 802.11ac standard Wifi

Theoretically, 802.11ac is capable of transmitting a maximum of 1.3Gbits / sec (162.5 MB / sec), the traffic of an 802.11ac Router twice the traffic of 802.11n routers.

In recent years you must have heard a lot about Wi-Fi 802.11ac standard, also known as fifth generation Wifi. Wi-Fi 802.11ac is a wireless network standard, which is increasingly used on routers, computers and mobile devices like smartphones.

1. What is 802.11ac Wifi standard?

Whenever you buy a new router, the first thing you are interested in is the Router model. If you do not understand the technical details, what you pay attention to is the numbers, which means finding out about the Router version and the maximum speed that you will transmit or receive between the Base Station. (base station) and other wireless devices.

In recent years you must have heard a lot about Wi-Fi 802.11ac standard, also known as fifth generation Wifi. It is the standard of wireless networks that are increasingly appearing on routers, computers, and mobile devices such as smartphones. Compared to Wi-Fi 802.11n currently in use, 802.11ac is faster, can transmit 450 Mbits / s (about 57 megabytes / s).

The Wi-Fi network standards we use today are all part of the IEEE 802.11 standard suite, which comes with one or more letters behind. IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , roughly translating as the Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , which is responsible for approving configuration and promoting Wifi development.

Learn about 802.11ac standard Wifi Picture 1Learn about 802.11ac standard Wifi Picture 1

Theoretically, 802.11ac is capable of transmitting a maximum of 1.3Gbits / second (162.5 MB / sec). The transmission speed of an 802.11ac Router is twice that of 802.11n routers .

In addition, the important point to note is that unlike the 802.11n standard, the 802.11ac standard can only be transmitted over the 5GHz band.

Similar to 802.11n 802.11n Wifi on existing multichannel routers, the new frequency allows 802.11ac to operate without fear of interference from a multitude of devices such as phones, bluetooth . or even products themselves. Use Wifi at 2.4 GHz.

This means that if your router is located in a room or on a floor far away from wireless devices, it is not the best option even though the traffic may increase.

2. 802.11ac router

Learn about 802.11ac standard Wifi Picture 2Learn about 802.11ac standard Wifi Picture 2

To know a Router of Router ac type, just look at the Router model name. On average, an 802.11ac router costs about $ 150-400 (about 3,400,000 - 9000,000 VND).

In devices iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s are equipped with 802.11ac Wifi standard for signal processing.

802.11ac will be a great choice for you to stream Full-HD video. In addition it will also help the process of copying data between computers, smartphones, tablets with network hard drives as well as between devices together faster.

Explore more:

  1. Instructions for configuring Cisco routers

  2. 6 steps to block, block website with TP-Link router

  3. Instructions for installing Wifi Router Tenda W311R

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