Step 1: Open Epichrome and select OK to continue.
How to turn a website into a Mac application with Epichrome Picture 2
Open the application and select OK
Step 2: Enter the application name and its location.
How to turn a website into a Mac application with Epichrome Picture 3
Name the application
Step 3: Select the name that will appear on the menu bar. To avoid confusion, select the name you used in the previous step.
How to turn a website into a Mac application with Epichrome Picture 4
Select the name that will appear on the Menu bar
Step 4: When the application asks to select App Windows or Browser Tab, select App Windows if you want to open a new white window and Brower Tabs if you want to use the same interface as the regular browser.
How to turn a website into a Mac application with Epichrome Picture 5
Choose how to open a new window or tab
Step 5: Enter the URL of the application you want to open. As a browser app register means that the web application will treat your application as a browser.
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Enter the URL you want to open
Step 6: Select Yes to select your own icon or select No to use the default icon.
Step 7: The final step is to confirm by selecting Create.
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Complete the SSB creation process
Now that you've turned your favorite web application into a desktop application, try opening it.
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Open the newly created application
There are a few other customization options that you need to do the first time you open the application. You will be asked which link to open in the application and the link by default browser. Add links and choose what the app will do with those links. Then confirm by saving the list again.
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Add links and manipulate links
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Save the newly created list
From now on, you can use the application you want in the browser, but like a standalone standalone application from the main browser.