How to register 3G Mobifone packages

3G Mobifone package with many different packages, high speed Internet access to serve users' online entertainment needs, such as watching movies, playing games, listening to music, surfing Facebook, ...

In order to make it easier for users to surf the web on the phone, Mobifone has provided many 3G packages. These packages all have high speed access, serving online needs such as surfing Facebook, watching movies, playing online games, or even sending data online on the phone. In the following article, we will synthesize 3G Mobifone packages as well as how to register for 3G packages of Mobifone.

1. 3G Mobifone plan limited capacity:

Mobifone's 3G limited capacity plan will have 2 types, including capacity limit type but with the price exceeding the package is 25 VND / 50KB, the other type is blocked when data runs out of capacity and must register to continue buying to use.

Capacity limit package (blocked data after running out of space)

Package name 3G Subscription message Package price Access capacity Package usage time Excessive charge package M70 DKV M70 send 9084 VND 70,000 1.6 GB 30 days Buy more high-speed capacity to continue using the package charge M90 ​​DKV M90 to 9084 90,000 VND 2.1 GB M120 DKV M120 to 9084 120,000 VND 3 GB M200 DKV M200 to 9084 200,000 VND 5.5 GB

Capacity limit package

3G package name Registration message Package price Access capacity Package usage time Excessive charge package M10 DKV M10 send to 9084 10,000 VND 50 MB 30 days 25 VND / 50 KB M25 DKV M25 send 9084 25,000 VND 150 MB M50 DKV M50 send 9084 VND 59,000 450MB

2. 3G Mobifone package for 30 days:

This package will not limit capacity within 30 days. If you use up the available data capacity when the package has not expired, we can still access 3G completely free of charge and without exceeding the package fee.

Name of 3G package Registration message Package price Access capacity Time of using package Excessive fee of MIV package MIV send 9084 70,000 VND 600 MB 30 days Free MIU90 DKV MIU90 send 9084 90,000 VND 1 GB BMIU DKV BMIU send 9084 200,000 dd 3 GB

3. Register Mobifone package for 90 days:

3G Mobifone package 90 days users will be awarded 30% more high-speed data traffic compared to 3G package 30 days to access. In addition, if you use up the amount of data allowed during the cycle of the package, no extra charge will be charged.

3G package name Registration message Package price Access capacity Package usage time Excessive fee of 3MIU package DKV 3MIU send 9084 210,000 VND 780 MB 90 days Free. Purchase additional packages to use 3M70 DKV 3M70 to send 9084 210,000 VND 1.8 GB

4. Register 3G Mobifone package 180 days:

When registering a 3G Mobifone package for 180 days, you will be given 60% more high-speed data traffic, and also free of charge for exceeding the package fee when the data allowance is reached if it is still in time.

3G package name Registration message Package price Access capacity Usage time Package fee exceeding 6MIU package DKV 6MIU send 9084 420,000 VND 960MB 180 days Free. Purchase additional packages to use 6M70 DKV 6M70 to 9084

VND 420,000


5. Register for 3G Mobifone for 1 year:

Incentive for 3G Mobifone package up to 100% of high speed traffic and free of charge for excess package when using up the data traffic.

3G package name Registration message Package price Access capacity Package usage time Excess charge package 12MIU DKV 12MIU send 9084 840,000 VND 1.2 GB / month 360 days Free, normal speed data can be used. term Or buy more space to use


DKV 12BMIU sends 9084 2,400,000 VND 6 GB / month 12M70 DKV 12M70 to 9084 840,000 VND 2.2 GB / month 12M120 DKV 12M120 to 9084 1,440,000 VND 4 GB / month 12M200

DKV 12M200 to 9084

2,400,000 VND 7 GB / month

6. 3G Mobifone package adds capacity:

This package only applies to packages MIU, M70, M90, MIU90, M120, BMIU, M200 and long cycle packages.

3G package name How to register Max15 DK MAX15 Capacity send 999 15,000 VND 350 MB Max25 DK MAX25 send 999 25,000 VND 600 MB Max35 DK MAX35 send 999 35,000 VND 1 GB

The above are 3G Mobifone packages with a lot of different data usage. The deals for each package are also different, so you can choose freely. To unsubscribe to use 3G Mobifone, write a message to name the package sent to 999 .

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