How to see the weather on YoWindow Weather
Keep track of the weather on your phone is now easier with many weather forecast applications with a beautiful interface to choose from. YoWindow Weather gives you today's detailed weather information and forecasts for upcoming days. Especially, the background of the application will display real-time and weather conditions at the time you see such as rainy, sunny, afternoon, . In addition, the application's widget displays on Today widgets. also has all the necessary weather information for us to track without opening the application. The following article will guide you how to use YoWindow Weather to view weather forecasts.
Instructions for viewing the weather forecast on YoWindow Weather
Step 1:
We download the YoWindow Weather app for iPhone / iPad by following the link below.
- Download YoWindow Weather for iOS
To use the application, the user must first turn on location and allow the application to access the location on the device.
Step 2:
At the first interface you will see current weather information, and weather for the next days. In 1 day, you can move the screen to the right or left to see the weather is past or upcoming time . When changing the viewing time, the background also changes with the animation. To go back to the current time press LIVE.
Step 3:
If we don't like the animation, we can change it by clicking the image icon in the top right corner, next to the search icon. This will display some animations for you to change . In addition, we can also use live photos or use in existing albums.
Step 4:
Click on the current location to change to another location if you want to see more weather information in many regions. When changing positions, the animation or wallpaper will automatically update as well.
Step 5:
To get weather information immediately when opening the search interface on iPhone, you can take YoWindow Weather to the widget screen as below.
You should read it
- Accurate weather forecast applications on the phone
- 10+ best weather forecast apps for Android
- How to use Today Weather to view weather forecasts
- Please download WEATHER NOW, the weather forecast application costs 449,000 VND, free of charge
- How to see the weather on a Windows 10 computer
- Download Weather Forecast Pro, the 83,000 VND real-time weather forecast, which is free
- View weather forecast on Windows 10 computer
- 7 best weather apps for Windows 10/11
- Top website see weather and UV index
- Weather forecast for Lunar New Year 2020, the North is likely to be very cold, the South is warm
- 5 cool weather apps for smartphones
- How to view weather information using the Maps app on iPhone
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