View weather forecast on Windows 10 computer
A quick way to check the weather is to search Google, you will get an hourly summary of the temperature, amount of rain and humidity for any location around the world. However, if you are using Windows 10, you can also check the weather quickly and in detail using the Weather app.
Look up weather information using the Weather application
Weather is the default weather forecast viewer that comes with Windows 10 operating system and is constantly updated. To access this application, press the Windows key and it can be found right on the Start menu.
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At the main interface of the application, you will receive important weather information about your location including temperature, wind speed, humidity, visibility.
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Continue to monitor the information below including:
- Daily: Weather forecast about the next day
- Hourly: Weather forecast for the next hour of the day
- Day Details: Detailed information about day and night, sunrise and sunset times.
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To look up weather information for a certain location, enter the name of the place in the search box in the upper right corner of the window.
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The results will be displayed immediately:
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Set default weather location
Normally, Weather will automatically display weather information in the location where you are. However, sometimes the app updates the wrong location, or you are primarily concerned with other locations. Now you need to reset the default location for the application for easy reference next time.
At the main Weather interface, click the Settings icon .
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In the General section , pay attention to the Launch Location setting and choose Default Location .
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Enter the city name box that you want to set as default.
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The default location will be immediately updated, and from there each time you access the application will receive the weather information in the installed location.
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Change degrees C / F
Depending on your habits, where you will have a way to see the weather based on degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. To reset to your habits, follow these simple steps.
Return to the Settings window inside the Weather app. You pay attention to the section Show temperature in:
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Choose from 2 temperature units Fahrenheit (degrees F) or Celsius (degrees C) .
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The homepage will be rendered just like the setup.
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Create a list of favorite locations
If you are a person traveling between many cities, or want to study meteorology, you can make a list of your favorite places to follow.
Find Favorites on the menu column.
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Click the Plus sign in Favorite Places to add a new location.
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Enter the name of the place you need to track.
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Do the same with other landmarks and you will have a collection of weather information in your favorite landmarks.
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Above are a few basic instructions to use Weather - weather information application on Windows 10. Please follow for more useful Windows 10 tips!
You should read it
- Accurate weather forecast applications on the phone
- Download Weather Forecast Pro, the 83,000 VND real-time weather forecast, which is free
- Please download WEATHER NOW, the weather forecast application costs 449,000 VND, free of charge
- How to use Today Weather to view weather forecasts
- 10+ best weather forecast apps for Android
- How to see the weather on YoWindow Weather
- How to see the weather on a Windows 10 computer
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- Top website see weather and UV index
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