How to review the article on News feed Facebook

To review the News feed posts when surfing Facebook, you only need to access a link very quickly.

Facebook news feeds will display posts from Facebook pages that you like, or status lines from your friends. The News feed interface is constantly being changed when users reload Facebook. So if you accidentally skip a useful article in News feed, but how do you want to review it?

Instead of going to the News feed for too long, you just need to click on a single link to review the articles displayed on News feed when surfing Facebook. We can find new articles, or share posts. With Network Administrator learn how to review the News feed article when surfing Facebook in the article below.

  1. How to manage News Feed on Facebook application
  2. Trick to show posts from more favorite Facebook pages
  3. How to find old posts on Android Android, iPhone

Instructions to find the post News feed Facebook

To review the News feed posts when surfing Facebook that you accidentally missed, we will visit by following the link below.


When clicking on this link, the posts that appear on News feed will display again. Posts such as shared posts from your friends, a Facebook post before you can view them, or posts from certain Facebook pages, etc. will be displayed again. Articles that will display by the most recent post setting will show up at the top.

How to review the article on News feed Facebook Picture 1How to review the article on News feed Facebook Picture 1

However, users should note that this implementation is only applicable when viewing web-based Facebook, not when viewing on Android and iOS Facebook applications. The posts do not have links, no images, the wallpaper post status, but only the text does not show again.

With just a very simple operation, users can find the News feed posts accidentally ignored, or refresh the page. Please remember the link above to use in necessary cases.

See more:

  1. Instructions on how to see what you like on Facebook?
  2. How to get video links, article links, Facebook photo links
  3. How to use the new Story feature on Facebook

Hope this article is useful to you!

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