How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interface

To manage notifications Facebook, Gmail or many other accounts on the same interface, we can install the Notyfy utility.

To help users easier to manage notifications from the social networking accounts you are using, the Notyfy utility supports users to link and receive notifications from personal services on the same interface. You can view your Facebook, Twitter or Gmail notifications in the widget's display interface in any tab you want. This way we don't need to open each web page to see notifications whenever we need it. The following article will guide you how to use Notyfy to manage notifications from many different accounts.

Instructions to use Notyfy to manage many notifications

Step 1:

We download the Notyfy app for Chrome browser by following the link below.

  1. Download the Notyfy Chrome extension

The utility supports linking with Gmail, Facebook, Quora, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, GitHub accounts.

Step 2:

Click the extension icon in the browser address bar, then click the gear icon . If you are logging into Facebook, the utility will automatically connect to Facebook and display in the Logged in Platforms group. Continue to log in to other accounts to manage notifications.

To link with other accounts, click the Checked button .

Picture 1 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interfacePicture 1 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interface

Step 3:

Notifications from services that users have logged in and connected on Notyfy are displayed in one of the interface, but are grouped by service and have distinctive colors. For example, with the Facebook notification group with a dark blue bar along the top of the notification content, Twitter is a light blue.

Notifications will display as today, yesterday and last week if multiple notifications have been made from previous dates.

Picture 2 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interfacePicture 2 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interface

Step 4:

In case you do not want to display notifications from any account, in the setup interface of the utility section Logged in Platforms unchecked that account . Or when logged out, the utility is not connected to the website.

Picture 3 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interfacePicture 3 of How to manage notifications Facebook, Gmail on 1 interface

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