How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Google Chrome is a cross-platform browser and using Google Chrome on Ubuntu is not unusual. The following instructions will help you install Google Chrome and use it on the Ubuntu platform.

In fact, we do not need to install Google Chrome because Ubuntu already has Firefox browser by default. But if you don't like using the Firefox browser, then Google Chrome is an alternative that we can use. To install Google Chrome and use it on Ubuntu is like other software when we need to add different steps.

To be able to install Google Chrome, we need to install it through the Terminal tool on Ubuntu. This is a tool mainly used to install other software. If you do not know how to access Terminal, you can preview the Terminal quick access instructions here to learn more ways to access Terminal before proceeding. Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu.

Instructions for installing and using Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Step 1: First access the Ubuntu Menu then type Terminal and click on the search result.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 1How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 1

Step 2: After Terminal is opened, type the command " wget ​​ " to download Google Chrome.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 2How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 2

Step 3: Wait for Google Chrome to finish downloading and continue typing sudo dpkg -i -force-depends google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb .

Note: The command line - force-depends can be omitted .

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 3How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 3

Step 4: If there is any error related to DPKG, we continue to type the command sudo apt-get install -f to handle the above problem.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 4How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 4

Step 5: Then, repeat the command sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb to install Google Chrome.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 5How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 5

After installing Google Chrome, just close Terminal .

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 6How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 6

Step 6: On the desktop screen, click on Menu on Ubuntu and then type Google Chrome search to see the results.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 7How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 7

Step 7: Click on it and you will be asked to set Google Chrome as the default browser and send an automatic notification to Google if there is an error. You can choose or leave it up to you.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 8How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 8

And finally you can use it like using a regular web browser.

How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 9How to install and use Google Chrome on Ubuntu Picture 9

Above are instructions for installing Google Chrome, helping readers install Google Chrome on Linux and use it as an alternative browser to Firefox. Experience it and let TipsMake know how you feel when you install Google Chrome and use it.

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