How to activate Calendar and Clock hidden on Windows 10 Build 9926

Microsoft last week officially released users of the next Build version of Windows 10 Technical Preview with a more advanced interface and a host of new features. However, new calendar and clock features like images in the article are not enabled by default.

Microsoft last week officially released users of the next Build version of Windows 10 Technical Preview with a more advanced interface and a host of new features. However, new calendar and clock features like images in the article are not enabled by default.

Download Windows 10 Technical Preview

If you know how to customize the registry and wonder how this feature works, you can follow these simple instructions to try it out:

  1. Open Regedit.exe
  2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionImmersiveShell
  3. Right-click and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) and name UseWin32TrayClockExperience
  4. Click on the clock above the system

How to activate Calendar and Clock hidden on Windows 10 Build 9926 Picture 1How to activate Calendar and Clock hidden on Windows 10 Build 9926 Picture 1

After completing the above steps you will get the new interface of the calendar and the clock. However, there is not much new in this feature, but hopefully in the next build, all features will be more complete.

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