Git environment settings

Before you can use Git, you must install and make some configuration changes. Here are the steps to install Git client on Ubuntu and Centos Linux.

Before you can use Git, you must install and make some configuration changes. Here are the steps to install Git client on Ubuntu and Centos Linux.

Install Git client

If you are using Debian distributed by GNU / Linux, the following apt-get command is required.

 root @ ubuntu: ~ # sudo apt-get install git-core 
[sudo] password for root:

root @ ubuntu: ~ # git --version
git version 1.9.1

And if you are using RPM distributed by GNU / Linux, you use the yum command as below:

 [CentOS ~] $ 
su -

[CentOS ~] # yum -y install git-core

[CentOS ~] # git --version
git version 1.7.1

Customize Git environment

Git provides a git configuration tool that allows you to set up various configurations. Git saves all common configurations in the .gitconfig file located in your home directory. To set up configuration values ​​like a global, you add the --global option, and if you want to remove this option, your configurations are specifically defined for the current Git repository.

You can also set up empty configuration for the system. Git stores the values ​​in / etc / gitconfig, which contains configuration for all users and repositories on the system. To set these values, you must have the right root and use the --system option.

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Set user name

This information is used by Git for every commit.

 root @ ubuntu: ~ # git config --global "QTM" 

Set up email id

This information is used by Git for every commit.

 root @ ubuntu: ~ # git config --global "" 

Avoid merging commits when pulling

You pull the latest changes from the remote repository and if these changes are different or divergent, then by default Git creates merged commits. We can avoid this according to the following settings:

 root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always 

Floating color

The following commands create color in the Git control panel.

 [root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global color.ui true 

[root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global color.status auto

[root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global color.branch auto

Set the default editor

By default, Git uses the default editor, which is taken from VISUAL or EDITOR. You can specify another editor using config.

 [root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global core.editor vim 

Set the default merging tool

Git does not provide a default merging tool for interacting with opposing changes in the working tree. You can set up this tool according to the following settings:

 [root @ ubuntu: ~ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff 

List Git settings

To verify the Git settings in the local repository, use the git config –list command as shown below.

 root @ ubuntu: ~ # git config --list 

The above command will produce the following result: = Viet Jack
push.default = nothing
branch.autosetuprebase = always
color.ui = true
color.status = auto
color.branch = auto
core.editor = vim
merge.tool = vimdiff

According to Tutorialspoint

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