There were more than 86.5 million downloads of Firefox 4.0
- By the time of 'peak' there were more than 10,200 downloads in just 1 minute.
- In the first 48 hours, there are 5,503 downloads per minute. That means an average of 91.7 downloads per second.
- The total bandwidth that Mozilla's server has provided in the first 48 hours after Firefox 4.0 release is 193.4 million MB.
- If converting 1 download Firefox 4.0 into 1 mile length (1 mile equivalent to 1.6 km), then the total number of downloading Firefox 4.0 in the first 48 hours will be 33 times . distance from the earth to the face moon.
- This download is more than the population of Los Angeles (USA), the 12th largest city in the world and on a par with the population of Vietnam.
- Currently, Firefox has more than 400 million users worldwide, accounting for 22.1% of the global web browser market share.
- Since 2004, all versions of Firefox have been downloaded 1.35 billion times.
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Graph of 'growth' versions of Firefox
- By the time version 3.0 was officially released, the first 24 hours had more than 8 million downloads. This number has set a record for software with the most downloads in 24 hours of release.
Mozilla had hoped Firefox 4.0 could break this record, but unfortunately it was not possible.
- There are currently more than 200,000 add-ons for Firefox, of which about 2.4 billion add-ons are being installed by users.
Some interesting information related to Firefox
- Firefox is open source browser. Therefore, currently 40% of Firefox's source code is written by volunteer programmers.
- Currently there are more than 1,000 volunteer programmers all over the world developing Firefox, and more than 20,000 people test new Firefox updates daily.
- Most of the language versions of Firefox (not English) are compiled by volunteers.
- The emergence of Firefox has begun to mark the end of Internet Explorer 'empire'. In 2004 when Firefox 1.0 was released, Internet Explorer (then version 6.0) accounted for more than 90% of the web browser market share.
- The original icon of Firefox is the image of a phoenix, corresponding to the primitive name of Firefox, Phoenix. Later, Phoenix was renamed Firebird, and finally Firefox as it is today.
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The 'evolution' process of Firefox's icon and name
- An interesting thing, the name Firefox (fire fox) is in fact not the name of a fox, but Firefox is the common name for the Red Panda panda, living in the eastern region. Himalayas and southwest China.
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Red-haired Panda, the real animal named Firefox
Currently, Firefox 4.0 is the latest official version that Mozilla has released. You can download Firefox 4.0 for free here.
In addition, you can download the latest 2 versions that Mozilla has just released: Firefox 5.0 alpha 2 here and Firefox 6.0 alpha 1 here.