11 interesting things can be observed through looks
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Most of us have either been or will judge others at least once. In just a few seconds of a brief encounter, we had a fleeting visual in mind about someone. Sometimes it is positive thoughts like this smart person, this person is bright . but besides there are also negative impressions like this person looks like a criminal.
Surprisingly, the initial impressions of someone are often quite accurate. Here are 11 interesting things that we can observe through looks . Invite you to consult!
1. If you have an attractive appearance, others will think that you have good qualities
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 1 Photo source: Jason Merritt / Getty Images
Because of a psychosocial phenomenon called " the halo effect ", we tend to conjecture that a person with good looks will possess good qualities like intelligence. and always keep the promise.
Daniel Hamermesh , a psychologist at the University of Texas, studied how beauty affects the work environment and he discovered that there is a bias in perception, that is, people who look attractive often paid higher.
Similarly in another study, undergraduates were asked to review the dissertations of female students, who were anonymous and showed photos only. When the author is a pretty girl, these guys tend to appreciate that essay. On the contrary, the articles without photos or photos are an unattractive girl, it seems that you give these articles a lower score.
2. Can correctly guess the personality through a photo
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 2 Photo source: Courtesy of Max Schwartz
People can know an amazing amount of information about your personality through a portrait photo.
In an experiment in 2009, the researchers gave participants experimental photos of 123 undergraduate students at the University of Texas, Austin. Students in the photo are required to show the most natural attitude possible or take pictures as they wish.
Regardless of who in the photo is in the position or angle, the viewer can still appreciate the extrovert, self-esteem, religion, personality and devotion of the person in the picture.
3. Use height suggestions to evaluate leadership
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 3 Barack Obama is speaking in Atlanta.Photo source: REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
In 2013, a group of psychologists, neurologists and computer scientists from Europe and the United States surveyed a small group of participants by giving them portraits of 47 people. white men and 83 white women, then asked them to estimate the height and then evaluate the leadership of the people in the picture.
The researchers found that participants used elements in the picture such as gender and face length to judge height. Besides, they also use the same factors to assess the leadership ability of these people. The faces of taller people are often better leaders.
4. The structure of the face indicates how aggressive you are
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 4 Marvel's " Iron Fist " actor.Photo source: David Giesbrecht / Netflix
A recent small study conducted by researchers from the University of London's Behavior Change Research Center said: " Men with high testosterone levels often have larger faces and gnarled bones. The cheeks are bigger, the man with the above characteristics tends to be aggressive and controlling . "
5. Use face to evaluate healthy level
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 5 Photo source: Charlie Riedel / AP
In a 2015 study, scientists gave people photos of 10 different people with 5 different facial expressions and asked them to sort out who was friendly, who was trustworthy and who was healthy. .
The result is not too surprising when these people choose happy and friendly faces more reliable than angry expressions. They also choose those with larger faces to be stronger.
6. If you have an "unreliable" appearance, you may be considered a criminal
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 6 Photo source: US Government Photo
Having a face that is more trustworthy than others is something unclear. However, this feature will create a big change in life. Researchers from Israel and the United Kingdom gave volunteers randomly selected images from two photo databases and asked these people to assess the level of emotional state and characteristics. Character and criminal appearance.
The first set of photos is taken from the police crime database database; and the second set of photos of the actors required to appear happy, natural or angry. Although the photo set is available at any facility, those who are judged at a low level of trust and have a dominant appearance are considered criminals. The photos of the actors expressing angry emotions are considered the most criminals.
7. Awareness of the problem of survival through the face
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 7 Image source: REUTERS / Handout / Files
Recently, two psychologists at the University of Toronto collected images of prisoners in custody for first-degree murder for research purposes. Half of them were sentenced to life imprisonment, the rest were executed.
After that, there was a group of survey participants assessing the level of trust based on a scale of 1 ( completely unreliable ) to 8 ( completely trusting ). Those who are judged to have low levels of trust are mostly those sentenced to death.
In another part of the study, respondents were provided with photographs of those convicted of murder but later vindicated ( based on DNA evidence ). However, these people are still considered unreliable even though they were later proved innocent.
8. Can predict cardiovascular problems through wrinkles
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 8 Photo source: Flickr via kk
In addition to showing age, wrinkled skin also reveals more problems such as current cardiovascular status. A study was conducted in 2012, which compared the number of facial wrinkles to the biceps in 261 people aged 63.2 and 253 at the same age of 62.7. Women at lower risk for cardiovascular disease are described as 2 years younger than their actual age when compared to women at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
9. Other health problems are expressed through the eyes
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 9 Photo source: Paulo Philippidis / flickr
Doctors can diagnose health conditions through the eyes. Red spots in the retina or light sensitivity may be a sign of diabetes. When the blood sugar index rises, this obstructs blood vessels in the retina, causing them to swell and break out to create a red dot.
10. In men, finger lengths are related to the risk of cancer
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 10 Photo source: RichardBH / Flickr
Scientists studied the finger length of 1,500 prostate cancer patients and 3,000 healthy men over a 15-year period with a request: look at pictures of hands and tell which hands corresponding to them.
Men say that the index finger is the same length or longer than the ring finger, and one-third of them are diagnosed as at risk of prostate cancer. This risk is even higher for men under 60 years old. However, these are just reports based on finger length, not actual measurements, so we should not be too worried when we don't have specific figures.
11. Height also indicates the risk of disease
11 interesting things can be observed through looks Picture 11 Photo source: Andrew Redington / Getty Images
Recent findings suggest that taller people are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease , while people of modest height often have lower rates of cancer. This depends on the amount of hormone produced, which may reduce the risk of this disease but increase the risk of other diseases. However, these findings do not confirm that the height can prevent diseases.
See also: 8 worrying signs that you need to rest immediately
Having fun!
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