Excellent way in excel part 1
In the process of making an Excel spreadsheet, we can make a lot of mistakes, or we can make silly mistakes, and often overlook the things that can help us to handle the spreadsheet faster, more succinct . Please introduce you to the necessary tips in excel to help you work with spreadsheets more effectively.
Excel is simply a very powerful spreadsheet software, and excel can do things that people do not think of.To add more knowledge about spreadsheets, you can refer to some experience when working with spreadsheets in excel .
First move: "Customize the workbook's working window"
Excel allows you to display multiple worksheets at once and allows you to customize the way you display and organize them.After setting up the customization, we can save it as a workspace file (workspace) .xlw for reuse later.
Sometimes working in Excel, you may need to have more than one workbook open on the screen to make it easier to use or view data from multiple spreadsheets.In this article, I will describe how to organize your windows in a neat and organized manner.
First, open all the spreadsheets you need to work on:
Go to Office -> Open ., hold Ctrl while selecting the spreadsheet files to open -> click the Open button to open the file. (E2003: File | Open .).
From the working window of an open workbook, select Windows |View |Arrange All (E2003: Window | Arrange).If the 'Windows of active workbook' option is selected then deselect, then select the sort type and click the OK button.
Excellent way in excel part 1 Picture 1
If you select the Tiled arrangement (tiled), the worksheet windows are as follows:
Excellent way in excel part 1 Picture 2
If you select the Horizontal arrangement, the spreadsheets will overlap as shown below:
Excellent way in excel part 1 Picture 3
If you select the Vertical type, the spreadsheets are arranged side by side as follows:
Excellent way in excel part 1 Picture 4
If you select the Cascade type (waterfall), the spreadsheets will overlap as shown below:
Excellent way in excel part 1 Picture 5
Once the spreadsheet windows are neatly organized, it's easy to manipulate and move data between the windows.
To use these settings again later, you can save them to a workspace file.The steps are as follows:
Select View -> in the Window group select Save Workspace (E2003: File | Save Workspace .) -> enter a name for the workspace in the File Name box, select a save location and click the OK button. The workspace file will have the .xlw extension
If you want to convert a workbook to full-screen mode, just double click on the title bar of the workbook window. You can also click the Maximize button on the current workbook window to maximize the window or click the Close button to close the workbook after completing the work with that window.
To reuse the previously created workspace, you just need to open the newly created .xlw file , the working interface that you previously set will be restored. All corrections or updates in workspace spreadsheets will be prompted by Excel to save you when you order to close the workspace.
In order to have the most effective method of learning excel , You are welcome to read the next articles on "The techniques in excel" in the following sections.
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