Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual?

Will it be possible to increase the device temperature when using the skin or decal?

After a year of working and accompanying you, the end of the year is when you need to clean and refurbish your laptop. Normally, to "change clothes" for computers many people often paste decal or skin, but besides, many users also wonder whether, when pasting these materials on the machine, the temperature of the machine will increase. during use or not? To solve this problem, please read along to find out in our article below.

Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 1Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 1

As you know, paste skin or decal for your device is a way to protect your computer and hide ugly scratches. If you have pasted skins for laptops, you will definitely find that using this material is completely normal for computers, they do not affect the machine (however, this will be true when you use skins, decal quality type). Paste the skin on the device very nicely, but many people still freak out because the patch will heat up the device. However, do not worry too much about this problem, because currently high-end laptop products have been equipped with metal materials to help computers dissipate heat better, so you don't need to worry too much. settling on the problem of the heater. To prove that this is the most accurate, please take a look at an experiment because the WindowsCentral site has performed a laptop temperature measurement test before and after applying the skin.

The type of skin used in this experiment comes from two well-known companies such as dbrand and DecalGirl, surely we are no stranger to products from these two companies because of their reputation and quality.

WindowsCentral tested the Razaer Blade 14 laptop (end of 2016) following these steps:

  1. Play DOOM within 20 minutes without pasting the skin
  2. Measure the temperature of the laptop after playing
  3. Wait for the laptop to cool down, then apply the skin to both the top and bottom
  4. Continue playing DOOM for 20 minutes
  5. Temperature measurement for comparison.


There are two important issues to consider:

  1. Is there a significant temperature change on a laptop?
  2. Does the temperature distribution change when pasting the skin?

The first problem may be that many of the most interested readers are laptops, do they get a temperature increase after sticking the skin and using it?

WindowsCentral's answer is no. The temperature before and after the skin paste is almost the same. The temperature on the front falls around 45-46C and on the back is about 38-40C. According to Windows Central, the Blade will be hotter if it is in a high temperature environment, when plugged in or when used for a long time, but this does not affect the test results.

Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 2Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 2

Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 3Does the skin paste or decal make the laptop hotter than usual? Picture 3

In the second question, does the skin paste change the temperature distribution of the machine? The answer is no, as you can see in the picture, the temperature remains the same after the paste.

With the above experiment and answer from WindowsCentral site, you can feel secure to freely paste the skin for your computer without fear of affecting the temperature of the computer during use, even if there is continuous game plow . In addition, the temperature of the device will not affect the glue, but Windows Central does not have much time to carry out this experiment to readers.

Now you can comfortably refurbish your laptop without fear of skin affecting the temperature of the device during use. The end of the year is also the occasion for "makeup" for laptops to welcome spring and be ready for the new year with lots of luck.

See more:

  1. 13 things not to do when using a computer
  2. Scratch protection for laptop covers
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