Discover Firefox
If you are using IE and are frustrated with its slow speed, being unable to block hateful pop-ups like WhenU keeps turning on every time you surf the web . so think of Firefox (FF) as the best free alternative browser of IE.
After installation is complete, FF will automatically import Options, Bookmarks, History, Passwords and other data from IE. FF will also automatically detect and install plugins.
Tags in ToolsOptions :
Discover Firefox Picture 1 1. General : Let FF run, go to the Connection Settings button to set the proxy (if your network is connected via proxy, and the network is directly connected, FF will know to connect directly). You can also set the FF as the default browser in this section, if you have omitted the settings.
2. Privacy : This is a section to help you delete personal data when closing FF, including: Browsing history , Saved form information , Saved passwords , Download history , Cookies , Cache , Authenticated Sessions , downTHEMall history .
If you want FF protection and remember PW of one or more of your accounts, then you should set the Master Password .
Note: In the Cookies tab of this section, if you uncheck ' Allow sites to set Cookies ', you will not be able to access your Yahoo Mail, Gmail, . accounts (even if you have previously logged in). In all cards you should choose to clean when closing FF. For Cookies , choose ' Ask me every time ' to ask FF every time a page wants to set Cookies .
3. Content : In this section, there will be options that allow sites you want to open popup, download files, download images . There are also options Fonts and Colors .
4. Tab : This section allows your options for tabbed browsing, a new feature that IE doesn't have (except IE 7).
5. Download : This section is used to manage your downloads of Download Folder , Download Manager and Download Action .
6. Advanced : In this section, you need to note the automatic update mode when there are new versions of FF and its Extensions , Themes , and Search Engines .
Some extensions and themes need to be installed:
- Extensions :
- DownThemAll: Speed up downloading files.
- Fasterfox: Speed up page loading.
- Google Toolbar for FF: Google Toolbar for FF. Download here.
- Yahoo! Toolbar for FF: Yahoo Toolbar for FF. Download here.
- Flashgot : activate download by using external download managers (which you have installed on your computer) such as Internet Download Accelerator (DAM, free version, so use), Internet Download Manager (IDMan, give 30 days trial, not recommended), FlashGet (free).
- Adblock : In addition to blocking ads, it also works to block unwanted websites effectively.
Discover Firefox Picture 2 - Yahoo! Mail Notifier : Notify when new mail (Yahoo! Mail) is available. Gmail Notifier : Notify when new mail (Gmail) is available. After installation, the envelope icon will appear on the Status bar, allowing you to log into your mail account without going directly to your account. (Note: YM Notifier is not good and handy with Gmail Notifier.)
- Noscript : block code, especially malicious code. Necessary, because Firefox is only really safe when Noscript is available.
- IE Tab : Surf the web via Internet Explorer, for websites that do not support FF.
- SearchPluginHacks : Remove a search engine you don't like by right-clicking on the search engine and selecting delete.
- Mozilla Calendar : Calendar work.
- ReminderFox : The reminder. Very necessary!
- GmailSpace : Take advantage of Gmail's large capacity by creating a virtual drive Gs to upload and download files between it and the drives and folders on your computer. If the file uploads to a Gs drive larger than 10Mb, it will be split into several parts to download. If you usually use Gspace, place its icon on the Navigation Toolbar, by: Go to the ViewToolbars menuCustomize and drag and drop the Gspace icon onto the Navigation Toolbar, next to the search box.
- New Tab Homepage : download homepage for each new tab.
- All-in-One Guestures : simulating mouse manipulation.
- VietTrans Extension : integrating online vdict dictionary for Vietnamese. Note: this puzzle piece disables Fasterfox . Therefore, disable it, when you need to use it, enable it again.
- VideoDownloader : download videos directly from Youtube, Google, .
- McAfee SiteAdvisor FF Extension : Give advice about the safety of a website. Download here.
- Restart FF : Restart FF. Very necessary when you install new or updated Extensions, Themes.
- CookieCuller : Protect / remove cookies.
- Flashblock : Block Flash images.
- Google Notebook : Cut and collect information when you browse the web. Only available when you have a Google account. (It is not necessary to use a Gmail account, but you can use a different mail account to register to use this Notebook). Download here.
- Bugmenot : Gives you a user name and password to log in to sites that require registration (only for free registration pages). Download here.
- Wizz RSS News Reader : RSS news reader.
- Themes : Similar to Skins in Opera or Avant Browser.
- Some themes to download: Noia 2.0 (eXtreme), Phoenity, Silver Skin, Firefox Vista, Mostly Crystal
- Support tool to increase boot speed of FF: Firefox Preloader
The current drawback of FF is slow boot speed. However, don't worry, FF Preloader is supported. FF Preloader significantly increases boot speed for FF, as it works to load some parts of the FF into memory before it is used to improve boot speed. In addition, you can improve this by clicking on the FF icon on the Desktop , selecting Properties , entering the Target box and typing at the end of the cell: space and string ' / prefetch: 1 '. To download Firefox Preloader version 1.0 build 366, click here.
- Bookmarks Toolbar : For easy access to bookmarks, FF creates Bookmarks Toolbar which allows you to put your frequently used bookmarks such as: Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Weblog (and their icons by dragging and dropping). from the address bar). For a larger screen, you can select the small (but not worse) icon in the ViewToolbarCustomize menu. In this menu, you can also add your personal toolbar.
- Search Engines :
Answers is a kind of online dictionary, an encyclopedia and more . It looks and gives great results because it links to many other online dictionaries (including Wikipedia). has also created a 1-Click Answers extension for FF but it's not necessary because FF has built-in search engine.
Note : In addition to the integrated default search engines (such as Google, Yahoo,, etc.) you can add Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answer, Webster dictionary, BBC News, MSN . by How to click 'Add Engines' at the bottom of the Engines box.
- Live Bookmark : With this feature, you can view the title of RSS feeds (automatically updated) from live bookmarks. Available Live Bookmarks of FF are Latest Headlines from the page located on the Bookmark Toolbar bar. If you don't like it there, you can switch to Bookmark Folde r on the Bookmark menu. You can also add other Live Bookmarks from sites that support RSS
Other tips:
To change the configuration of FF you can type ' about: config ' into the address bar. To see the plug-ins integrated into FF, type ' about: plugins '. To see the list of participants building FF, type ' about: credits '. To see FF resources located on your computer, type ' resource: ' To reset Master PW (in case you forgot), type ' chrome: //pippki/content/resetpassword.xul '. See more about Master PW here.
If some websites are not viewable in Vietnamese, try the ViewCharacter Encoding menu and switch between Unicode (UTF-8), Western (ISO-8859-1), Western (Windows-1252) codes.
Firefox reads Vietnamese extremely great. It can read Vietnamese at the perfect level for all websites, even pages that IE cannot read. For example, read mail from Yahoo! US (except Yahoo! Mail Beta) with Vietnamese font (select Western code (ISO-8859-1) in Firefox), Description line under Blog or Links in Vietnamese, The title line of posts, the content of posts on the Blog without selecting the font again. These items, IE only read a very limited part. This is also the reason why I do not write Vietnamese for the title of posts.
Some links related to Firefox :
1. Download Firefox.
2. Firefox Add-ons.
3. Firefox Help.
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