Decode common computer error messages
Understand and how to deal with common error messages while surfing the web, using Windows and Microsoft Office software.
Windows related errors
' Non-system disk hoặc đĩa lỗi. Thay đổi và khi ghi một khi đã thực hiện key này ": This error occurs when the computer cannot read the information on the computer's floppy disk or hard disk. You may accidentally forget the floppy disk in the drive when booting the computer, remove the floppy disk, and then press any key that can resolve this error message. If not, it may be a hard drive error. Try restarting the computer. If it is still not done, it may be due to a serious error with the hard drive, a service center should be provided.
Lỗi lỗi One of the components that Windows needs to setup can not be installed ': This error is usually caused by Windows XP being unable to read the data on the installation disk. Try removing the disc, wiping with a soft dry cloth, then try again. If it still doesn't work, you may need another disk instead.
' System đã thoát từ một lỗi lỗi ': If you see this message every time you start your computer, it means that your computer memory is in error. You can fix this error by right-clicking My Computer , selecting Properties , selecting Advanced , clicking the Settings tab in the Performance section. In the dialog that appears, select the Advanced tab, click Change , then select No Paging File , and then click Set . If you see a warning message, click Yes or OK . Then click on System managed size box , select OK . Close all dialog boxes and restart the computer.
' Error 692: Failure hardware in port or attached device ': This message means that Windows does not see the modem of the computer. If it is an external modem, check the plug and turn on the modem, or try restarting the computer. Occasionally, this problem resolves by updating a new driver to the modem, usually on the modem manufacturer's website.
' This program is not responding ': Occurs when you try to close a program in Windows. This problem may be caused by a program that has crashed or may be simple because Windows does not perform a complex task. If the hard drive status light in front of the computer tree is flashing, click Cancel , then wait until it stops. If this is not done, try closing the program again and selecting End Now when the message appears again.
' An exception 0E đã bị gặp? ': This happens when a program that tries to use the computer memory area is not allowed to retrieve. Close the message and save the work you are doing elsewhere with the Save As command, then close the program, and then open it again.
' The system is low on virtual memory. Windows là kích cỡ của tập tin paging tập tin của bạn ': This error appears in Windows 2000 and XP. Virtual memory paging file is an area of Windows hard drive used for temporary storage. When that area is full of computers will require additional expansion, this process may take several minutes. While this process is in progress, you should save and pause the work. If this message still appears, try restarting the computer.
' An lỗi đã bị gặp trong chương trình. To keep working anyway, click Ignore and save your work to a new file. To quit this program, click Close ': This error indicates that the original file has been corrupted, you should save the file to a new file.
Error messages about Office
' Margins của phần X đã đặt bên ngoài vùng trong các trang. Do you want to continue? ': Most printers do not print all the page edges, so printed text needs page margins. This message in Word indicates that you have marginalized the page side to overcome the printer's print capabilities, so some content of the text may be cut off if you still select OK. After selecting No, click File, Page Setup, select the Margins tab, select OK. After a message appears, select Fix for it to automatically set the appropriate margin, then reprint.
' X (filename) là đọc chỉ. Do you want to save changes to a name file khác? ': Documents marked with Read-only cannot be saved with the original name. This may be because it is a copy of another document that is open or because it is marked as read-only to prevent others from modifying. To be able to continue working with the file, you should save it under a different file name, or open the Properties of the file or folder containing the file, uncheck the Read-only checkbox.
Error surfing the web
' Error: 403 - Forbidden ': This message appears that means that the website is configured to allow only a limited number of objects to access. If it is a public website, it may be wrongly set up by the webmaster. Try contacting webmasters for them to fix this.
' Error: 404 - Not Found ': This is a common error message on the internet. It may be because you typed the website address incorrectly, or it may be because the site has been changed or deleted. Try going to the search site to check if the site still exists.
' Outlook Express removed access to the unsafe attachments following? ': This message appears when you read the email, due to a security setting in Outlook Express to prevent viruses. If you want to disable this protection mode, go to Tools , select Options , then click on the Security tab. Uncheck the box ' Don't allow attachments to be saved or opened that could be a virus ', then select OK , and reopen Outlook Express. However, after that, you must be careful when opening email attachments.
You should read it
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