Internet users can control service providers

A software called 'Switzerland' allows users to know which hackers, ISPs or firewalls of any company are interfering with the transmission.

Internet users can control service providers Picture 1Internet users can control service providers Picture 1 A software called "Switzerland" allows users to know which hackers, ISPs or firewalls of any company are interfering with the line to change speed, bandwidth .

This program was released by the EFF Electronic Border Fund (USA) after the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandated that no ISP will be allowed to limit bandwidth for all types of retrieval. internet access. This provision comes from Comcast narrowing its "data highway" to peer-to-peer sharing services like BitTorrent.

" Switzerland is designed to make ISP testing quicker and easier, " said Peter Eckersley, an expert in the design of the software. " Now anyone editing Internet access is exposed ."

Refer to the software here.

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