Learn about POP email errors

If your email account is configured with Post Office Protocol (POP), you may sometimes receive POP error messages while using your account. This is the meaning of these error messages.

If your email account is configured with Post Office Protocol (POP), you may sometimes receive POP error messages while using your account. This is the meaning of these error messages.

POP status code

Some things may be incorrect when you download mail:

  1. The server on which you usually receive mail may not respond when you "ask" it to send mail.
  2. Your password or server password is wrong.
  3. The server encountered an internal problem.

A POP server knows about its status. All words in the error message will be written in English.

'Mailbox unknown' or 'Invalid password' errors

The first thing that may come up with a problem (other than a broken server) is that the POP server does not recognize your username. Possible reasons for this error include:

  1. Enter the wrong username.
  2. The database that the server uses to identify inactive users.
  3. Something's wrong with the memory where the mailbox is stored at the ISP.

When you enter the password, it can also be another cause of errors.

Learn about POP email errors Picture 1Learn about POP email errors Picture 1
Sometimes you may receive a POP error message while using your account

'Unable to lock mailbox' error

A POP mailbox can only be accessed by one incoming connection at a time. If the email verifier is logged into your email account, then the email program cannot access that account at the same time. In such cases, when the mailbox is locked by another process, the POP server will return an " Unable to lock mailbox 'error.

'No such message' error

After successfully logging into the account, the POP client starts retrieving each email. When it requests an email from the server, a " No such message " response may be given. The same response may be returned when the email client marked the mail has been deleted (no longer exists).

'Deleted messages not removed' error

When a POP session ends, all messages marked for deletion will be permanently deleted by the server. If the POP server cannot delete all mails (possibly due to lack of resources), it will return the "Deleted messages not removed" error.

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