Causes and Solutions When Laptop Screen Goes White

Laptop screen errors seem to be a difficult and endless problem. The white laptop screen error is reflected by many users on social networks.

Laptop screen errors seem to be a difficult and endless problem. One of the most common errors on laptops is the blue screen. In addition, the white laptop screen error  is also reported by many users. Don't worry, in the article below, TipsMake will help everyone better understand the causes and effective ways to fix the white screen error.

1. Causes of white laptop screen error

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- The error of the laptop screen going white often occurs when you turn on the computer. At this time, the interface will not display, instead there is a blank laptop screen. The cause of the laptop screen going white is often due to the hardware inside the user's computer. Some of the leading causes of the laptop screen going white are:

- Due to broken, damaged, disconnected or poor signal transmission screen cable error.

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- VGA chip error on laptop computers integrated with separate graphics cards: This error often occurs in South bridge chips that manage I/O or when turning off the computer, powering on, .

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- Due to motherboard errors such as loss of voltage, damaged or faulty components,.

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- Laptop screen is strongly impacted or dropped into water,.

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2. Check the cause of the white laptop screen

To effectively fix the white laptop screen error, you need to clearly understand the cause of this situation. To check, everyone needs to have another laptop screen that is working normally.

At the same time, you must connect to the laptop screen with the white error via VGA or HDMI cable. Next, restart the computer and check.

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In case the laptop screen is still white, the cause of the white error is definitely a broken motherboard or a faulty VGA chip. On the contrary, if the laptop screen is still working normally, the cause is a broken or faulty connecting cable.

3. How to fix laptop white screen error

3.1. Instructions on how to fix the white screen error due to falling into water

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In these cases, it may be because you were not careful when the laptop screen fell into the water and quickly turned on the computer. This led to the situation where the laptop screen turned white.

To effectively fix this error, you need to turn off the power and remove the laptop and then proceed to treat all the water inside the entire computer. The purpose of doing this is to avoid water from contaminating other microcircuits.

Next, everyone should reattach the screen and bring their laptop to a reputable repair center for quick repair. Absolutely do not turn the power back on because this can cause the circuits to short-circuit and be difficult to repair.

3.2. Instructions on how to fix a white laptop screen due to hardware failure

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After determining the cause of the white screen error on your laptop, you can proceed to fix it by following these steps:

Step 1: Check the cable connecting the motherboard to the laptop screen: If you see any cables that are loose, broken or unusually swollen, you should replace the cable. If you do not see any signs on the outside of the cable, try removing the screen cable and plugging it back into the connection port, then restart the laptop. If the computer works normally again, the cause of the white screen error on the laptop is a damaged cable.

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Step 2: Check the 3v B+ voltage of the laptop screen: If there is a loss of 3v B+ voltage, please repair the circuit board or supply 3v voltage to the screen.

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Step 3: Check the voltage supplied to the screen ROM.

Step 4: Look behind the fuse with voltage B+ and then measure the impedance at the fuse pin. If it is less than 100Ω, the voltage is still working normally. However, if it is within 200Ω, it means the voltage is short-circuited. Usually, the cause of this situation is due to a short-circuit in the voltage booster, color decoding IC or screen voltage reduction (22v, -6v).

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Step 5: Take out the coil of the step-down or step-up circuit or the fuse of the circuit and measure the impedance. If you see that the short circuit is gone, it is due to the step-down or step-up circuit. At this point, proceed to repair this circuit. If the short circuit is still there, it is due to a color IC error.

Above are some of the causes and solutions to fix the white screen error of Hoang Ha Computer . In fact, this error is often caused by the microchip, hardware and components inside the laptop. Therefore, to fix the white screen error of the laptop, you need to have specialized equipment and high expertise. If you are not sure about your skills and do not have enough equipment to do it, everyone should bring the laptop to a reputable repair center for inspection and repair.

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