5 useful things when using Gmail

Although there is a simple interface, Gmail really gives users a comfortable feeling with many useful features that Google is still growing.

5 useful things when using Gmail Picture 15 useful things when using Gmail Picture 1 With the popularity of the Internet today, anyone who has joined the online world must own at least one email address for themselves. Although there is a simple interface, Gmail really gives users a comfortable feeling with many useful features that Google is still growing.

This article will give you 5 really useful things when using Gmail, it helps you work faster with emails, better search and removal of junk emails, detecting unauthorized people accessing email. .

1. Search for the correct email

Gmail is a Google product, so it's no surprise that it possesses the great search capabilities of this search giant. Unfortunately, many Google Search users only enter one or two basic keywords into the search box and the results they see are good too, but they will see an even better result if they know one. Several advanced search word math.

Similarly for Gmail users, if they know some advanced search operators, finding out what is needed is a good thing at hand.

So what is the search operator? Basically, it's just words or symbols that replace search queries. There are many search operators and in the following tables are just a few small examples.

Table 1: Search by email title

For example
to: Message sent to you or from someone to someone : me
to: support@quantangang.com cc: The letter is CC for you or someone cc: me
cc: Anh Hai
cc: support@quantangang.com bcc: Mail you BCC to someone (no case you get BCC) bcc: support@quantrimang.com subject: Message with Subject section : subject: Duan
subject: "Du an" from: Letter to you from someone from: Mr. Hai
from: support@quantrimang.com

Table 2: Attachment-based search

has: attachment The message contains the attachment filename: pdf The message contains the attachment file PDF file name : doc The file contains the attachment file DOC filename: mp3 The message contains the attachment as an MP3 file

Other file names you can search include:

  1. Video files: avi, mov, mp4, mpg, wmv
  2. Audio files: wav, wmv
  3. Image file: bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
  4. Document files: csv, odt, ppt, rtf, txt, xls

Table 3: Search based on labels

Write off more
The most abbreviated
label: inbox

in: inbox
is: inbox

l: inbox l: ^ i Inbox label: starred in: starred
is: starred l: starred l: ^ t Message marked (star) label: chats in: chat
is: chat l: chats l: ^ b Archive of conversations (chat) with Google Talk on Gmail label: sent in: sent
is: sent l: sent l: ^ f Mail sent label: drafts in: drafts
is: drafts l: drafts l: ^ r Thư draft label: spam in: spam
is: spam l: spam l: ^ s Spam label: trash in: trash
is: trash l: trash l: ^ k Trash message (Trash) label: unread in: unread
is: unread l: unread l: ^ u The message has not read the label: read in: read
is: read l: read Mail has read label: anywhere in: anywhere
is: anywhere l: anywhere Mail anywhere in Gmail, including messages in Spam and Trash

Table 4: Search by time

For example
after: After (but not including) a specific date after: 2008/12/17 before: Before (but not including) a specific date before: 2008/12/17

Table 5: Boolean operator

Equivalent symbols
For example
AND [space] Thuy AND Linh

Thuy Linh

Operator name must be capitalized; AND is a search by default because space (space) is a simple concatenation. OR | Thuy OR Linh

Thuy | Spirit

Operator name must be capitalized NOT - Thuy NOT Linh


Operator name must be capitalized; there is no gap between " " Website development "" hyphen

subject: "Website development"

Search exactly for a non-significant case of lowercase letters () subject: (Facebook Picasa)

from: (Thuy | Linh)

Grouping Boolean operators into another search {} {from: Thuy from: Linh} Grouping other search components together

Table 6: Some complex search queries

Search query
to: me l: ^ u in: inbox
to: me l: (unread inbox) Mail in the Inbox section sent to you but not read from: thuy subject: (facebook | picasa) Mail received from Thuy with the title of Facebook or Picasa . l: unread from: thuy after: 2008/06/10 Message from Thuy has not been read after June 10, 2008 . from: linh filename: pdf -subject: thong Message from Linh with attachment PDF and no words Update in print headlines : chat from: linh Conversations (chat) with Linh l: ^ k from: thuy before: 2008/06/10 subject: zoo Find in Trash the message from Thuy before 10/6/2008 with the word zoo in the subject title : thong in: anywhere The letter has the word Thong in the title anywhere , including Trash and Spam. filename: {mov wmv pdf tiff}
before: January 1, 2006 Searching for any old messages with large file attachments before January 1, 2006 -label: inbox
-l: ^ i Mail is not in the Inbox section

The best way to learn about searching in Gmail is to practice and remember the search keywords that you think are most useful. If you use the Quick Links feature in Gmail Labs you also feel much more comfortable with this feature, it allows you to save your most frequent searches and easily access them again when needed.

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Go to Gmail Labs and select Enable in the Quick Links section.
then click Save Changes

2. Label (Labels)

All emails in Gmail do not use folders to store. Instead, Gmail offers labels to organize email, which makes it easier to manage and search faster than a folder. Why is that?

Suppose you receive an email from colleague named Linh about the ABC project that cooperates with partner XYZ . You have 4 folders that have been set up in your email account: Jobs , Linh , ABC , XYZ , so what do you give this email to you? If you choose a suitable folder at this time, there is no guarantee in the future you can remember which email you have put in this folder and then you go to each folder to find? If each folder contains a pile of mail, the search is almost hopeless if you don't have patience.

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Assign a label to a letter

If you use Gmail, you can assign a lot of labels to the same message. In the above case example, you can assign 4 labels at a time to this letter and the search later becomes much easier because you choose any of these labels to appear in this list. Marketing.

3. Powerful mail filtering feature

With this filtering feature Gmail will automatically perform a task with received email even if you have not yet seen the message sent. For example, if you feel frustrated that these junk email messages are sent from an email address, you can set up such emails to automatically 'drift' over the trash (Trash) and will You never have to see it again.

You can create your own filters with the following filtering criteria:

- From: May be the full name; surname or first name; email address ( abc@tenmien.com ) or part of the email address ( username.com ) of the sender.

- To: May be the full name; surname or first name; email address ( abc@tenmien.com ) or part of an email address ( username.com )

- Subject: You can search for the exact phrase by adding quotation marks (e.g. ' promotion ')

- Has the Words: You can search for exact phrase by adding quotation marks (e.g. ' promotion ')

- Doesn't Have: You can search for exact phrase by adding quotation marks (eg ' promotion ')

- Has Attachment: A checkbox that allows you to choose

To make sure you set the correct filtering criteria, click Test Search and see the results displayed. If the result is exactly what you want, click Next Step . In the next step, you will be selected for the actions you want to perform for the messages in the filter list. These actions include:

- Skip the Inbox (Archive It) : This message will not be in the Inbox but will instead go to All Mail

- Mark as Read : If you select this option, the message will be stored and you may not even know that you have received this message because it is not displayed in bold or listed in unread mail list.

- Star It : If these are important messages to consider right away, star them

- Apply the Label : Select an existing label or create a new label. This action when combined with the action Skip the Inbox , it will be equivalent to automatically filtering messages and putting in a folder. These are two actions that often come together.

- Forward It To : Enter an email address, the mailing list in this filter will forward the email to that email address. You can create a list of email addresses and such a received letter will be sent back to many people at the same time.

- Delete It : Delete the message immediately after receiving it

- Never Send It to Spam : This is to ensure that important messages (eg from your boss) will never automatically get into Spam due to Gmail's antispam filter.

After you have selected the appropriate action, click Create Filter to immediately filter. Next to the Create Filter button there is a box with the name Also Apply Filter to # Below Conversations with # is the number of emails / exchanges below have been found. Normally, you will select the check box because all the old and later emails will be taken the same action.

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Select actions for filtered messages

In some cases, after the filter has been created, you may want to fix a bit of that filter; or add or remove necessary filter conditions. For example, suppose you have created a filter that assigns incoming emails from facebook.com and wordpress.com to a common label Social Network . If you want to review this filter recipe go to Settings > Filters (or click Create a Filter > Show Current Filter ) and you will see a list of filters including filters with the following content:

Matches: from: (facebookmail.com OR facebook.com OR wordpress.com)
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "Social network"

And now you want to filter more conditions that the messages sent from MySpace.com website are also included in the label ' Social networks '. Click Edit and change the content as follows:

Matches: from: (facebookmail.com OR facebook.com OR wordpress.com OR myspace.com)
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "Social network"

Note : You must use the OR operator, not 'or'.

4. Accelerate operation with shortcuts

Are you proud of using your mouse fluently? Sometimes with shortcuts you will save more time than using a mouse. So is Gmail.

List of keyboard shortcuts in Gmail

Keys Description c Switch to the compose page
+ c Open the compose page on a new window Send an email after you've finished writing k Switch to newer mail (applied in both details view and mailing list) j Switch to older mail (applicable also in view details and mailing list) n Switch to the next message p Go back to the previous message o or Open u message Go back to the mailing list Archive mail

Leave the current view list:
  1. - At Inbox, 'y' means putting it in storage
  2. - At Starred, 'y' means leaving the Star list
  3. - At any label, 'y' means to remove it from that label
x Select / un-select messages s Star a letter or an exchange ! Mark as spam mail Reply back to the message (Reply)
+ r allows to open the feedback window as a separate window a Reply to all f Forward (Forward) Exit the data entry field yo Save and open the mail to the All mail section Go to Starred gc Go to Contacts section Go to Drafts section Go to the Inbox section / Go to the search box

5. Security for email

Email is one of the main ways that bad guys take advantage of it to infiltrate your computer. However, Google also helps you reduce the risks encountered by providing Gmail with some smart protection mechanisms.

Virus checking

Google has built-in virus checking mechanism into Gmail and it is still working quite effectively especially with Windows system. The attachments sent and received are scanned for malware (malware) every time you open a message with an attachment.

If you find a virus in the mail sent to you, Google will try to clean it, if successful, you can still access it, otherwise it will be prevented from being accessed. If for some reason Google issues a problem in scanning files, it will notify you with a small warning. In this case, you should wait until the file has been scanned otherwise it could also cause your computer to be in danger.

If Google finds the virus in the mail you want to send, it will display a message but the file will not be cleaned. Google has an option to Remove Attachment and Send to remove the attachment and send it, but you don't always like this feature because the attachment is probably a very important file to send. You should then use a third-party software to scan the file to ensure that the recipient of the file does not encounter problems with the computer.

However, even after virus scanning is finished, Google does not allow the following file types to be sent or received:

  1. .exe
  2. .dll
  3. .ocx
  4. .com
  5. .bat

Note : If you do not know what file types are files, you can visit here to look up information about each type of file or look up at the huge database http://filext.com .

If you try to send the above files, you will encounter the following error message: " This is a file executable. For security reasons, Gmail does not allow you to send this type of file. " ( This is an executable file. For safety reasons, Gmail will not allow you to send files of this type )

Do you think you just need to compress the attachment and return it? Don't expect because Google will scan both compressed files, calculate that the file contains unsafe files and stop sending. Other non-Zip file formats such as TAR, TGZ, Z, and GZ will still not "exit" for Google. But for some strange reason, the RAR format file is allowed again.

However, many Gmail users also have their own ways to get rid of Gmail's strict checking mechanism:

- Rename the file containing the extension from .exe to .123 or from .bat to .bat.removeme . Of course when renaming a file like this you have to notify the person who will receive the file so they can exchange and access the file.

- Compress file to Zip file and set password for compressed file

- Use RAR file compression software

- Or use the easiest solution to upload the file online through storage services like YouSendIt or Box.net

Prevent spam mail photos

Gmail has an excellent spam blocking tool, but sometimes there are cases that are still 'net'. One of the most annoying types of spam is spam. With this type of spam, the spammer just sends you an email with only one picture in the body of the message, this way, the spammer hopes it will pass the email antispam tools. Do the following to make sure no spam of this type enters your Inbox:

Create a filter with the following conditions:

  1. There are words: type "multipart / related.gif"
  2. Check the box next to Has Attackment

Select the following actions for messages found:

  1. Skip the Inbox (Archive It)
  2. Apply the Label: Image Spam

Find out who logs into their Gmail account

If you think someone hacked into your Gmail account, you can check it out with Google's own tool. Scroll down to the bottom of the main page of the email, and you'll see a line with the following content:

Tài khoản này được mở trong 1 địa chỉ khác ở IP này ( Last account activity: 11 minutes ago. Details

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With this information line you will know if someone is accessing your Gmail account. If you want to know more details, click on the Details Details link, you will see a window with full details of recent activities including how to access (from browser, POP, IMAP, or SMTP), IP address of access device and time.

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Detailed parameters page for the latest login sessions

If you discover that someone is accessing the email illegally, click the Sign Out All Other Sessions button so that the entire session other than your own session must exit. Then immediately change your email account password.

Prevent phishing

Google has a mechanism to check whether email sent from paypal.com or ebay.com is really correct through DomainKeys technology. If the email is not correctly sent from the above two domains, it will silently discard the email, and you don't even know that you were a scammer's target.

Limit the number of emails

To prevent abuse of email to spam, Google limits the number of emails you can send in 1 day.

If you use Standard Edition of Google Apps, you can send up to 500 email addresses outside your domain name every day. If using Premier or Education Editions , the number of emails sent during the day can be up to 2000 addresses. These email addresses include addresses sent CC and BCC.

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