10 free security downloads

Spyware, viruses, Trojans and other malicious software are everywhere on the Internet, all of them want to jump into your computer and perform destructive behaviors.
Preston Gralla

10 free security downloads Picture 110 free security downloads Picture 1 Network administration - A computer connected to the Internet always faces an unsafe situation, in addition to user privacy is also placed in a dangerous state. Spyware, viruses, Trojans and other malicious software are everywhere on the Internet, all of them want to jump into your computer and perform destructive behaviors.

Operating systems are the target of their attack, but the main goal is still the Windows operating system because most computers worldwide use this operating system.

We already know that there are plenty of free software for Windows operating systems to help you protect your privacy and safety. While it's free, these tools can do everything expensive security software can do.

With so many free software on the Internet, the question is, which software should we choose accordingly? In this article we have selected 10 programs that we consider to be the most significant that can protect your privacy and safety. Download and install them, you will be protected more safely when connecting to the Internet.

Secunia Personal Software Inspector

Some of the biggest security holes in your computer do not actually link directly to the Windows operating system, but are in the applications you use. It can be said that it is also a way for hackers and crackers to infiltrate your computer.

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The best way to protect yourself in this case is to update the application on a regular basis to get the latest patches released by its manufacturer. However, to do so with every software used in your computer can cost you a lot of time.

To overcome this situation, security firm Secunia has tracked software vulnerabilities and patches provided to users. The company's Personal Software Inspector (PSI) utility can scan your computer, download the current vulnerable file and warn any software on your computer without a security patch. It can also alert you that any software on your computer is not updated with a new patch or is not supported by the manufacturer anymore. If the software is not updated in time, it itself will not have the latest security patches, so that may be a vulnerability for an attacker to take advantage of and hack into your computer. .

When you receive a list of unsafe software, you can see more details about the software, open the folder where the software resides or download the patch. Click on the + next to the software you will have more details about it, this information is often the link to access the software to uninstall software. You can also check your software usage and notify when new patches are provided.

Some programs require complex patching procedures, so the program will show you the most easily patched programs by default. The best way is to set the Personal Software Inspector to notify all applications that you need to patch, not just the most patchy applications. To make a change, go to Settings and cancel the check box next to "Show only 'Easy-to-Patch' programs."

Note that Secunia PSI is just a free application for home users.

Download Secunia PSI

SendShield (beta)

Microsoft Office documents often contain a lot of data that can compromise privacy or you might not want anyone else to know that information, which is data like hidden text or hidden, saved cells. sign the document view, the author's name and viewers, etc. Whenever you send someone a document, they can easily see that information by viewing the version and custody version documentation of the document, or maybe another way.

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Remember to review each document you send via email to make sure that it does not contain information that could lead to any compromise that can take you a lot of time. One way to overcome the costly time is to use Unsged Software's SendShield.

Whenever you send a PowerPoint, Excel or Word document via Outlook, this program checks them to see if they contain any private information. It will then give you details about what the program finds and warnings to remove those information with a click. The program does not delete the information of the original file in your hard drive but only deletes the information in the copy for the file you send via email.

In addition to Office documents, you can also use the program for PDF documents and send it that way.

SendShield is currently in beta and is being offered for free.

Download SendShield Standard

Avast Antivirus

Many fee-based antivirus programs, such as Symantec's Norton AntiVirus, consume a lot of your resources, consuming too much RAM and resources, slowing down your computer noticeably. However not only that but you have to pay an annual fee for using this program.

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Is there a better way? ALWIL Software's Avast Antivirus software can make an answer for you in this case. This is a fairly lightweight software, consuming only a small amount of RAM or system resources, besides being simple to use and can perform everything necessary to protect your safety.

The software uses a shield icon for many of its protection types. An antivirus shield, a web-based threat protection, a shield to protect your email, . You can adjust the sensitivity of each shield.

Avast contains automatic updates of virus definitions and the AV-comparatives.org test site has been rated 'Advanced +'. These are information that can make you feel secure when using this program.

Note that Avast is only free for home use.

Download Avast! Home Edition


People can use spyware detection tools, such as Lavasoft Ad-Aware or Spybot Search & Destroy - or both. However, some malware is very sophisticated, they can bypass the detection of any spyware scanner which makes it impossible for these scanners to remove them.

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So what can you do if you find your computer starts to show strange signs and you suspect that you are the victim of malware? Download and use Trend Micro's HijackThis, with the help of experts, you can find the source of the problem and fix it.

The program will check your settings and the Windows registry, which are potentially vulnerable areas, and then save all those settings to a log file. Those settings are the key to finding out if you're infected. Experts analyze records from what they find and come to a conclusion about whether or not spyware is infected.

However, the problem is where do you need to find experts? This program will allow you to upload your log file to HijackThis's website, where experts will check it and let you know if you have been infected and how to eliminate them. There are also quite a number of places to search for other information on the Internet that do the same job, to find cum you can use Google.

In addition to what is done above, the software will also delete items that are suspicious, besides integrating other useful tools, such as the tool will create a record of all chapters. The program runs on start-up. It should be noted that if you don't really have knowledge as an expert, then you should not try to use this program yourself. Think of this as the last resort when standard anti-malware tools fail.

Download HijackThis


Obviously the best way to protect yourself against spyware is to make sure you don't install bad applications from the start. This is exactly what SpywareBlaster of Javacool Software shows its role. This program can stop the installation of ActiveX spyware, programs that destroy browsers, malware and can block spyware cookies.

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Besides, the program also has extensive protection, such as disabling Flash running in Internet Explorer. Allows you to take a snapshot of the system to switch back to the previous clean system.

Note that if you do not use Internet Explorer, then you do not need to install this software, the reason is that Firefox, Opera and Safari do not use ActiveX.

Download SpywareBlaster

F-Secure BlackLight Rootkit Eliminator

Rootkits are the most dangerous of all types of malware. By using Rootkit, attackers can access your entire computer without your knowledge. They use special technologies to evade anti-virus and malware programs, which makes it harder to detect and destroy them. Because of this, using an antivirus program is not enough. Instead, you should use a dedicated rootkit detector and destroyer.

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That's exactly what F-Secure's BlackLight Rootkit Eliminator gives you. This program can scan hidden processes in your computer, folders and files, then report on what it finds. If your computer is completely clean, the program will notify you of that. In case there is anything hidden, the program will notify you and allow you to clean the system. When you double click on any entry, you will get more detailed information, such as the location of the file, description, or company information.

To kill detected rootkits, you can rename or delete files using BlackLight's built-in tools. The best way is to rename the suspicious files, give them a .ren extension and prevent their execution. Next, search Google for file names to see if they are actually malware. Rootkits often hide legitimate files and processes, such as Explorer.exe, so you need to make sure you don't delete legitimate programs on your computer. If you confirm that the files are malware, then delete them.

Note: Only experienced users should use this software because if you rename or delete valid files it is likely that your system will have many problems. If you're not sure what you're doing, try another free anti-rootkit tool called RootAlyzer. This program will check for rootkits on your computer but does not provide tools to delete them. (Note that RootAlyzer is still in preview stage).

Download F-Secure Blacklight Rootkit Eliminator


JavaScript, Java, plug-ins and other code on websites can seriously damage your computer. They can provide useful, interactive features but can also be used to conduct devastation. To stay safe on strange websites, you need to turn them off, but doing so also means that you will lose some convenient features on some of your favorite websites.

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So what is the answer in this case? A Firefox extension called NoScript not only blocks scripts, plug-ins and other types of code but also protects you against cross-site attacks. The program allows you to lock site-by-site scripts, plug-ins and codes. However, you can adjust this method, such as just locking the script on sites for some time or permanently.

Download NoScript

Comodo Firewall Pro

Indeed, the firewall provided with Windows XP or Vista is not really strong enough to protect your security - so you need better protection from other utilities. There are a lot of free firewall software, but in the article we want to introduce you to, Comodo Firewall Pro, this is the software that provides the highest level of protection for threats coming from inside and from outside. It provides several types of protection, such as Defense +, or locks certain files or folders so they can't be changed.

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Note that this software is very flexible in asking whether you should allow connections. To reduce pop-ups that appear many times, you can run Clean PC mode, which will allow you to scan applications on your computer, and then register them as secure applications. In addition, there is an "install mode" mode that can disable certain types of pop-ups for up to 15 minutes to allow you to easily install new software.

Download Comodo Firewall Pro

McAfee SiteAdvisor

It can be said that the world of web has many sites that contain adware, spyware, or even worse things. Another danger is that it is completely impossible to know whether you will visit such sites. The problem is even worse is that among those sites there is also a site that contains valid information and software for users to download.

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McAfee SiteAdvisor is a great way to make sure you stay away from such sites. When performing a search in Google or Yahoo, you will see a small icon to the right of each search result, which indicates whether the site is safe, or has a suspicious or certain status harmful. The red indicator indicates the level of danger, the green color indicates the site is safe, and the yellow color indicates the suspicion. If McAfee does not evaluate a site, the program will display a question mark.

Move your mouse over the icon, and you'll get a pop-up containing detailed information about the danger level, for example, containing dangerous downloads, links to dangerous sites. and whether or not to send spam if you register at that site.

Click More Info from the pop-up, you will get more information, such as a list of dangerous downloads and malware or adware to infect it, which sites it links to, etc. It even lets you know the site's unpleasant things, such as which cookies it has installed.

The SiteAdvisor software works even if you do not perform a search. When you browse the web, an icon will appear at the bottom of the screen and inform you whether the site is dangerous or not. Click on that icon, you will get more details about the site.

Download McAfee SiteAdvisor for Firefox
Download McAfee SiteAdvisor for IE

CCleaner is a utility that not only helps you protect your privacy but also keeps your system clean and running smoothly. For privacy protection, the program removes traces of your Internet access, such as temporary Internet files, browser caching, form filling, and cookies automatically. In addition, it can clean up the Recent History list of Windows.

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This is also a great program to clean your system. CCleaner will eliminate unnecessary files, such as temporary files, Windows log files, chkdsk file fragments and many more. The program will also check your Registry and clean up bad entries, helping you stop programs running on start-up.

For anyone who wants to keep privacy when browsing the web - and keep their system clean and stable during use - this is a must-have download.

Download CCleaner

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