10 billion passwords leaked

A member posted on a hacker forum a file named RockYou2024 containing a total of 9,948,575,739 passwords in plain text, allowing other members to download.

This is considered the largest summary of leaked passwords ever.

Before announcing RockYou2024, this person created an account in May and shared data from a series of other attacks.

10 billion passwords leaked Picture 110 billion passwords leaked Picture 1

Researchers found that RockYou2024 is an update of RockYou2021, a password compilation table containing 8.4 billion data released three years ago. RockYou2024 is supplemented with 1.5 billion new passwords from information collected on the Internet.

RockYou2024 is essentially a compilation of actual passwords used by individuals around the world, growing exponentially every year.

Cybernews quoted experts as saying that it is possible that the latest version of RockYou contains information collected from more than 4,000 databases over more than two decades.

Experts are concerned that with such a large amount of data, crooks can exploit and carry out many account intrusion attacks such as brute force - an attack technique by automating the login process. , try millions of different passwords until they match) or credential stuffing (hackers will use exposed accounts and passwords to gain unauthorized access to user accounts).

Researchers warn that after RockYou2024 both online and offline services, including devices such as surveillance cameras and industrial hardware, are also at risk of being attacked. Users should change passwords for accounts, prioritize strong passwords that have never been used in any service, and enable MFA multi-factor authentication and use a password manager to prevent risks. attack.

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