Why is Facebook account hacked?

Currently, the situation of fraud and instant messaging via Facebook takes place very much. And also a lot of people have become victims of hackers when they believe in the false information. Hacker tricks are diverse: phishing messages in the form of winning programs, posting links of photos, sensitive videos tricking users into clicking ...

Currently, the situation of fraud and instant messaging via Facebook takes place very much. And also a lot of people have become victims of hackers when they believe in the false information. Hacker tricks are varied:

  1. Phishing messaging to all victims, account lists of captured accounts.
  2. Suppose Facebook's promotion promotions (winning motorcycles, cars, cash . are highly valuable) and require users to confirm by charging phone cards to hackers.
  3. Post link pictures, videos with interesting content (photos, porn videos) and when the victim clicks on the link, will open a fake Facebook page asking users to enter their account and password.

So, how do users protect themselves against the many pitfalls of hackers? Please read the article below of TipsMake.com offline!

Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 1Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 1

Screenshot of a hacker scam text

What is Facebook phishing?

As a scam through Facebook, that's what I mentioned above. When users click on links to photos, videos . of unknown origin, their browser will open a website with the same Facebook interface (of course the address is not facebook.com), love Ask them to enter their account and password. Once this information is obtained, the hacker will immediately change the victim's security information and start cheating other victims in the friends list.

Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 2Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 2

Artwork of fake social networking site Facebook

What should users do to be safe on Facebook?

1. Always remember:

Facebook will never ask users to provide passwords or any personal information via email, Facebook Messenger messages, or anywhere other than Facebook's homepage.

2. Always be careful with strange information appearing on the Wall - your wall:

It is best not to click on links, post pictures, videos . of unknown origin.

3. Setting up account security mechanism:

Always remember your email address, phone number, security question . to use when being attacked by a bad person. See more articles:

  1. How to retrieve Facebook account when hacked
  2. Get back your Facebook password

4. Be careful with strange links:

Facebook phishing can come at any time, and anyone. Strange links, for example:

  1. www.facebook.com.profile.a36h8su2m8.info/login

Definitely fake, Facebook currently has only 1 address, and you only need to login at https://facebook.com only.

5. If you see spam articles:

Appearing from your friends list, tell them to delete those posts, and immediately change your new password.

  1. How to change Facebook password quickly
  2. What do I do when I forget my Facebook password?

6. Using a browser with Anti-Phishing feature:

In fact, from the time Internet Explorer version 7.x and above has the Anti-Phishing feature, and the recommended browser when surfing Facebook is:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Mozilla Firefox
  4. Coc Coc
  5. Safari
  6. Opera

7. Follow and update news from Facebook:

From Facebook's "genuine" Facebook Security page.

Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 3Why is Facebook account hacked? Picture 3

Or from fanpage of TipsMake.com, we will try our best to answer questions for you about Facebook as well as related issues.

Hopefully the above information can help you be safer in Internet environment, Facebook social network.Good luck!

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