What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP

If you use the Internet frequently or access the Internet repeatedly, the term 'IP address' has certainly been heard at least once. But what is an IP address? What does it mean ? What information does it show? How many types of IP address are there? Through the essay

If you use the Internet frequently or access the Internet repeatedly, the term 'IP address' has certainly been heard at least once. But what is an IP address? What does it mean ? What information does it show? How many types of IP address are there? Through this article, Thuthuatphanmem will help you better understand the types of IP addresses.

What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 1What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 1

1. What is an IP address?

IP address is a term in informatics that is abbreviated by the word Internet Protocol (internet protocol). The IP address is the simplest and easiest to use, the electromagnetic devices connected to each other via the Internet must be via the IP address.

A simpler understanding is that like this, the IP address is the address of a house to help people find and enter.

2. Structure an IP address

  1. IPv4 Address: IPv4 uses 32-bit format to encrypt data in the form: EFG.HIJ.KMN.OPQ (for example, the IP address of Thuthuatphanmem.vn is: 153.1.308.108). These numbers will be assigned to users by the network settings or related Modem equipment. But recently, due to the rapid development of the Internet, the IPv4 address has become increasingly exhausted, the time is only in months. To solve this problem, service providers have developed a new inter-protocol, IPv6.
  2. IPv6 address: IPv6 is encrypted by 128bit, the number of IP addresses that IPv6 can meet is an extremely large number of up to (4 * 10 ^ 4) ^ 4 (4 billion to 5). With such a huge amount, IPv6 is able to ensure the supply of IP for a very long time all over the world. But IPv6 deployment is still facing many difficulties due to configuration differences for IPv4-based devices before.

What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 2What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 2

3. How is the static / dynamic IP address different?

3a. What is static IP?

Static IP is a fixed IP address that is unique to only one person or a group of people who use their Internet-connected devices. Normally, static IP is allocated to a server with its own purpose (Web server, video, etc.). When the IP is static, all users can access it without interrupting the process. Normally, static IP addresses are often for businesses, companies, .

What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 3What is static IP? What is dynamic IP? Distinguish between static IP and dynamic IP Picture 3

3b. What is dynamic IP?

Dynamic IP, as well as its name, is in stark contrast to static IP. Dynamic IP will automatically change every time your Modem device restarts. Dynamic IP addresses are only a temporary solution in the period of IPv4 is scarce and IPv6 has not been popularized, dynamic IP addresses will be used alternately on the Internet. Individual or home users are often equipped with dynamic IPs by Internet service providers.

Thus, through this article Thuthuatphanmem.vn has helped you to understand more about IP addresses. Through this you can also know if your home is using a static or dynamic IP address and whether it is suitable for your needs or not.

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