FROM employees;
Annotation appears at the end of the command:
SELECT employee_id, last_name / * Author: * /
FROM employees;
SELECT employee_id, last_name - Author:
FROM employees;
Annotation is located on a single line:
SELECT employee_id, last_name
/ * Author: * /
FROM employees;
In SQL Server, you can write comments and comments on multiple lines while using SQL statements. An example is as follows:
SELECT employee_id, last_name
/ *
* Author:
* Purpose: Displays annotations spread across multiple lines in an SQL statement
* /
FROM employees;
The caption of the recently executed example is on the four lines of the working screen.
Or you can use this syntax:
SELECT employee_id, last_name / * Author:
Purpose: Displays annotations spread across multiple lines in an SQL statement. * /
FROM employees;
Marking and commenting next to a statement by annotation makes it easy to understand and control, as well as to fix errors for your work more quickly and conveniently.
Good luck!
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