What needs to be in the top 100 websites of the world?

A website that wants to be considered 'big' and popular must have a certain number of visitors each month. But how many visitors are considered big?

A website that wants to be considered 'big' and popular must have a certain number of visitors each month. But how many visitors are considered big?

The answer will be when we analyze the visitor statistics table of the world's leading websites today.

Based on the statistics of the world's largest search firm Google, Pingdom analysts have discovered some interesting points. And this is their 'advice' to website administrators:

- To be able to get into the top 1,000 largest websites in the world, a website needs to have at least 4.1 million visitors a month.

- To reach the top 500, the website needs at least 7.4 million visitors per month.

- To reach the top 100, that website needs at least 22 million visitors.

- To get into the top 50 websites in the world, a website needs at least . 41 million visitors.

- To reach the top 10, the number of visitors will be 230 million / month.

- If someone wants to steal the number 1 position that Google has kept for so long? That person will have to strive to have at least 540 million visitors per month but usually, the number will actually be much larger than that. So far, world Internet experts predict that only Facebook will be able to do this.

And of course, the concept of visitors used here must be 'unique visitor' (visitors count only 1 regardless of how many times they access the website in a certain time).

What needs to be in the top 100 websites of the world? Picture 1What needs to be in the top 100 websites of the world? Picture 1
The number of visitors per month of the world's top 100 websites.
( Source: Pingdom )

What needs to be in the top 100 websites of the world? Picture 2What needs to be in the top 100 websites of the world? Picture 2
The number of visitors of the top 1,000 websites. ( Source: Pingdom )

If we add the total number of visitors to these websites, we will have more interesting discoveries when comparing top 10, top 100 and top 1,000.

- The world's top 10 websites account for 42% of the top 100 visitors and 21% of the top 1,000 visitors.

- The world's 100 largest websites account for 50% of the top 1,000 visitors. This means that the world's top 100 websites have 'power' equivalent to the remaining 900 websites. A big difference.

However, web experts also say that these comparisons are sometimes relatively relative only because the web world always has an overlap between websites because each visitor tends to be Access multiple websites in each web surfing session.

But the final conclusion for administrators remains unchanged. Give yourself the energy to set your goals. If you want to be in the top 10? Try to have a minimum of 22 million visitors per month but if your goal is only the top 1000, the goal is much closer to just 4.1 million visitors.

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