The number of visitors per month of the world's top 100 websites.
( Source: Pingdom )
The number of visitors of the top 1,000 websites. ( Source: Pingdom )
If we add the total number of visitors to these websites, we will have more interesting discoveries when comparing top 10, top 100 and top 1,000.
- The world's top 10 websites account for 42% of the top 100 visitors and 21% of the top 1,000 visitors.
- The world's 100 largest websites account for 50% of the top 1,000 visitors. This means that the world's top 100 websites have 'power' equivalent to the remaining 900 websites. A big difference.
However, web experts also say that these comparisons are sometimes relatively relative only because the web world always has an overlap between websites because each visitor tends to be Access multiple websites in each web surfing session.
But the final conclusion for administrators remains unchanged. Give yourself the energy to set your goals. If you want to be in the top 10? Try to have a minimum of 22 million visitors per month but if your goal is only the top 1000, the goal is much closer to just 4.1 million visitors.