To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready?

'Nothing in the world is free,' this statement is especially true in the Internet world.

'Nothing in the world is free,' this statement is especially true in the Internet world. Users can use "free" Gmail or Maps products from Google or Facebook to trade with their own personal data such as which age group you belong to, what sites you usually see, what you buy .

But the problem is that users often don't know exactly how much their personal data is being collected by Internet companies, what they are used for, where they are stored, and where they are stored. protected or not.

Of course, in addition to advertising, it is not possible to exclude the possibility that such data is attacked by hackers for other nefarious purposes.

According to the Washington Post, Google is using its Chrome browser as a user tracking tool, and it is also being used by many other external data mining operators.

To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 1To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 1

Facebook in the past has been constantly entangled in scandals related to user data leakage. Currently, the company is also being sued for failing to protect the login and contact information of 30 million users.

  1. Facebook admits storing millions of user passwords in plain text
  2. Facebook announced that 29 million accounts were actually stolen and this is a way to discover

It is for these reasons that on June 24, two US senators from both Democrats and Republicans submitted bills that required Internet companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon to work. declare the actual financial value of user data they are exploiting.

This is a question that many people ask, how much advertisers pay for content on the Internet, including products and services and information content, entertainment provided to users.

To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 2To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 2

Advertising is the driving force for technology users to collect data so violently. Without advertising, they will have to find another way to compensate for the loss of money and charge the service to users as the best option. So what exactly is the fee?

This is a difficult question, no one can give the correct answer. But Vox magazine estimates that this number is about 35 USD / month.

US digital media companies such as Facebook, Google and electronic newspapers estimate to receive a total of $ 106 billion in advertising revenue in 2019. To make up for this amount, every citizen matures in the US ( about 250 million people) will pay a fee of 420 USD per year, ie about 35 USD / month / person to use the "clean" Internet, ie the Internet does not advertise and is not collected personal data.

To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 3To use the 'clean' Internet, users will have to pay 35 USD / month, are you ready? Picture 3

Facing the question of considering the possibility of offering non-advertising service versions, Amazon and Google declined to answer and Facebook proposed paying users to share their personal information.

Based on the average revenue from advertising per capita in the US and Canada in the past quarter, it is estimated that in USD 35 / month, about USD 10 / month is divided by Facebook. Google estimates are harder to identify because Google 's business areas are more diverse than Facebook, but it will be a bigger share.

Other online advertising giants enjoy the rest and perhaps the "smallest piece" belongs to the press agencies.

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