This YouTuber found a way to convert Windows 10 into Windows 7

The question posted is should I try it? This depends on your abilities, but it can be a fun experience to use in a VM.

It's been almost three years since Windows 11 became widely available and despite that, Microsoft still hasn't been able to win the hearts of most users and convince them to switch to its new operating system. According to Statcounter data, the estimated market share of Windows 11 is currently less than 1/3 of the total number of computers running Windows worldwide. Meanwhile, Windows 10 is still the most popular Windows version with nearly ⅔ of the market share.

Statcounter's data also shows that there is still a sizable number of users who choose to stay with Windows 7 - one of the most loved Windows versions ever - even though the operating system has since been discontinued. takes a long time and easily becomes easy prey for cybercriminals.

Security issues aside, the simple interface and convenient, familiar experience make many people want to stick with Windows 7 for a long time. Among these is a YouTuber named 'Come on Windows'. The only difference is that the YouTuber chose to bring the Windows 7 experience to Windows 10.

Come on Windows recently published a quite detailed video tutorial on how to convert Windows 10 to Windows 7 by modifying and adjusting the Registry, Group Policy, and finally using the AME Wizard to complete the process. On the AME Wizard, a Playbook titled "Transforming Windows 10 into Windows 7 pack" was used. Besides, there is also Revert8Plus.

If you don't know, AME Wizard is a Windows mod tool that helps users modify using Playbooks. A pre-made playbook with the necessary changes and settings tweaks is already available. Playbooks can also be flexibly customized by users.

For example, Verified Playbooks for AtlasOS and ReviOS are currently available on the official AME Wizard website.

There are two variants of AME Wizard, one for both Windows 11 and 10 with respective names.

You can watch the full 17-minute video of 'Come on Windows' above. The question posted is should I try it? This depends on your abilities, but it can be a fun experience to use in a VM.

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