The phone screen cannot be broken, it only takes a few drops of water for the crack to heal on its own

Researchers have developed a type of glass that can heal itself when exposed to water.

Researchers have developed a type of glass that can heal itself when exposed to water. While researching something else, they accidentally discovered that combining an amino acid chain (peptide) with water creates hard glass after the water evaporates.

Hard glass is transparent both under normal lighting conditions and under infrared light and has a refractive index (refractive index) close to that of conventional optical glass.

The phone screen cannot be broken, it only takes a few drops of water for the crack to heal on its own Picture 1The phone screen cannot be broken, it only takes a few drops of water for the crack to heal on its own Picture 1

In particular, if cracked, just a few drops of water will help the peptide glass heal itself. Once hydrated, scratches and dents disappear. However, this type of glass has a problem: if it loses too much water, it can crack because there is not enough moisture to keep the peptide molecules stuck together.

Currently, researchers are continuing to develop this type of glass because it is necessary to control its curvature.

Besides, another problem that researchers need to overcome is the possibility of water getting into the smartphone's internal components.

 Regular smartphones need flat screen glass, but with foldable phones, their glass screens need to be able to bend at the crease.

Researchers will have to learn more to better control the finished shape of this peptide glass, and find ways to prevent cracking due to dehydration if this technology is used to make phone screens. smart.

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