Folding iPhones can be equipped with a self-healing screen when scratched or dented

After many years of research and development of folding screen technology, Apple was recently granted a patent for a folding screen device with a layer of material that can remove scratches or dents during use.

Specifically, on May 21, Apple was approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an application for "Electronic devices with flexible protection layers".

Folding iPhones can be equipped with a self-healing screen when scratched or dented Picture 1Folding iPhones can be equipped with a self-healing screen when scratched or dented Picture 1

As described in the patent, the screen equipped with the device is capable of self-healing when scratches or dents appear. Additionally, the hinge axis also allows the screen to bend around it without damage.

Apple's folding screen will have three parts, including two fixed regular screens and a flexible screen connecting those two parts together.

Unlike current folding phones that use ultra-thin glass, Apple's screen uses a flexible protective layer containing elastic material, created to return to its original shape, similar to protective films. Protector has the ability to remove scratches on cars.

Apple's screen restores itself when the device is plugged in or users can set a schedule as desired.

In addition to the iPhone, the American technology company can also equip self-healing screen technology on its other devices from laptops to smartwatches.

There are rumors that Apple is testing two folding iPhone prototypes with internal screen sizes of 7.9 and 8.3 inches, with a book-like design instead of a clamshell folding design.

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