Take care of computer maintenance
You want the computer to work properly, the application is updated and the data is always safe but . lazy. Articles share how to help your computer stay healthy without much effort.
>>>10 simple computer maintenance operations
You are assigned to backup data files, update applications and new antivirus software. Unfortunately, you are lazy to do those things. You can outsource but are not assured of quality and afraid of being unable to control everything. Let's take a look at a few solutions to maintain your computer at a basic level and don't waste a lot of time and effort.
Deploy Windows XP
Take care of computer maintenance Picture 1
In Windows 7 and Vista, Disk Defragmenter automatically manages the hard disk defragmentation.
If you still have Windows XP, this operating system will force you to perform a bit more maintenance tasks than the new Windows versions.
For example, scheduled hard disk defragmentation is done automatically in Windows 7 and Vista, but you have to manually do it in XP (right-click the drive in My Computer, select Properties.Tools, then select Defragment Now ).
Unfortunately, Windows 7 is not free (Home Edition version costs about $ 100), but many users think this is the best Windows OS ever. Also, if you are using an old computer, upgrading to Windows 7 is not as effective or valuable - refer to some upgrade tips to Windows 7 at find.pcworld.com/70143 . On the other hand, cornering a 1TB hard drive doesn't bring much efficiency (speed) when doing the same thing with a smaller hard disk and running slower. Therefore, see your hard disk is a new type and you'll be happy to give up the habit of defragmenting.
Backup with Dropbox
There are many tutorials that explain the differences between backup strategies and plans, but when external drives and lots of " disk images " are dazzling, they are no longer helpful.
For example, if there are irreplaceable images that need to be backed up, but you don't want to spend the time and cost to save them to a DVD or an external drive, consider saving them. in a Flickr account, Picasa Web album or even in a Facebook album. All of the above options are free, although some services charge with capacity and bandwidth exceeding the allowed limit.
With daily work documents, you don't need to buy terabyte (TB) drives to store. Instead, copy the data files to a pen, external hard drive, or even register a Dropbox Basic account. This service provides free 2GB of storage. However, this capacity level is not always " enough " for high resolution graphic files or system disk images, so if you have time you should check Dropbox and delete the files completely still use as well as update new or changed files.
If there are other folders that need to sync with Dropbox and don't want to find them again, use Dropbox Folder Sync. In addition, you can create a self-executing (batch) file with a few basic DOS commands to automate the search and copy process.
Update everything

Copying files to Dropbox is a good solution for backing up data.
You may not be fully interested in the fixes and key features of each application, but you need to keep Windows and some important applications (such as browsers, PDF reader utilities and office applications). always updated to avoid security vulnerabilities. Thankfully, you can arrange for this update to happen automatically.
Start by opening the Windows Update section in Control Panel . Click Change setting and in the drop down menu, select Install updates automatically . If you have not installed Microsoft Update , only Windows updates are automatically downloaded; if you have other Microsoft programs (everything from Silverlight to Office), you need Microsoft Update. To get this, click on the Click here link for details that appears at the bottom of the Windows Update window .
All popular browsers have automatic updates. Microsoft provides updates for Internet Explorer via Windows Update, and Google Chrome receives updates in the background. To see the version of Chrome browser you are using, click on the wrench icon and select About Google Chrome; if it's the old version, the dialog box will give you the option to upgrade.
Like Chrome, Firefox also controls updates from within. You can make sure you get the latest version of Mozilla by selecting Tools . Options . Advanced . Update and check Automatically download and install. Meanwhile, Safari updates are controlled through the Apple Software Updater utility installed with Safari. If the update is not automatic, open this utility and go to Edit . Preferences . Schedule , where you can select regular updates.
Next, you will want to keep Adobe Acrobat up-to-date as this is a frequent goal of criminal software. You can install Acrobat automatically by updating Edit . Preferences . Updater and tick Automatically update and install . After that, go to the JavaScript section (on the left of the Preferences window) to uncheck the Enable JavaScript section . Because JavaScript is a common attack direction for criminal software, your system will be safer if JavaScript is not in the "open" state by default.
Now, all of your most important applications are installed to update automatically. But why stop here? File Hippo.com's free Update Checker utility will scan all programs on your computer, check their versions against the database and provide you with download links appropriate for the application. need to update.
Anti-virus software
One of the problems that you don't have is "equipping" with anti-virus software for your computer. If you have not installed a virus utility, go to http://www.download.com.vn/shop/diet-virus-spyware-c2.aspx for instructions on how to select the appropriate antivirus utility. The Microsoft utility uses Windows Update, so updates are automatically done, so you don't need to configure anything.
If you're using another security utility, you don't need to make too much effort to stay safe - all you need to do is never click on vague links or open questionable attachments. threads. Also, make sure that your email utility does not automatically display images within the content.
To check shortened URLs (created from Bit.ly, Tiny-URL .) before opening them, you need to install the Untiny Greasemonkey utility. In addition, you can also refer to many security-related tips at https://quantrimang.com/baomat/giaiphapbaomat/index.aspx.
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