Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD?

SSD data storage drives are becoming more and more popular and surpassing HDD. What are the similarities and differences between these two types of drives and why should you upgrade your laptop's SSD?

 Join us to find out the answer right in the content of the article below.

What are SSDs?

SSD is the abbreviation of the phrase Solid - State Drive is a type of solid-state drive that possesses many outstanding advantages such as high speed, shock resistance, large capacity, long life, stable operation and durable… helps the computer to change the overall performance significantly.

When preparing to buy an SSD, you need to pay close attention to the following parameters:

+ Communication port

Currently, in the Vietnamese market, users can freely choose SSD drives with the following 4 interface ports: SATA2, SATA3, PCI-Express and USB 3.0.

Note that for older laptops that only support SATA 2, you should choose to buy an SSD with the corresponding SATA 2 interface. As for the performance of SSD storage drives, the SATA3 port is the most concerned. The USB port alone can clog bandwidth; or when copying, moving data will be quite slow.

+ Maximum sequential read/write speed Max Sequential Read/Writes

The speeds of 550MB/s, 520MBps noted on SSDs cannot actually be achieved because they are just theoretical numbers for readers to refer to.

+ Random read/write speed (Random Read/Write)

Having to read small folder files such as: operating system files, web browser caches, cookies, game save files, documents, images, videos, documents. takes place often in the computer. , laptops in bulk. Larger IPOS parameters will mean faster SSD's reading speed of small files. Therefore, this is the parameter you need to pay attention to when choosing to buy an SSD.

+ Memory components

Usually, the type of SSD hard drive sold to individuals on the market is MLC - Multi level cell. And the type for business will be SLC - Single level cell works more stable and has a more expensive price.

+ Power consumption

Regular SATA2 and SATA3 port SSDs will have a power consumption of about 3W. But in practice, this number can be higher or lower depending on the performance of the SSD when used.

+ Features included

All current SSDs support the TRIM command to help the operating system actively review and delete data that is no longer useful to the user; reduce the operating load on the hard drive; help smooth handling, increase life many times.

What is the difference between SSD and HDD?

Drive nature: HDD writes and reads data by reading disks, while SSDs write and read data by electrical lines.

Cost: On the market today, SSD drives are much more expensive than HDDs.

Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 1Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 1

Performance: SSD is considered to have much more stable performance than HDD. Besides, SSD drives also possess extremely good shock resistance compared to HDD.

Speed: In terms of speed, HDD is completely inferior to SSD. Because if SSD takes only a few seconds to start computer programs, play games or use graphics, HDD needs to take 1 minute or more.

Durability: SSDs are much more durable than HDDs thanks to their characteristic fixed physical structure. The HDD will have to continuously operate the spindle and magnetic disk.

Noise: HDD will vibrate and make noise when saving or exporting data. With some new generation HDDs are designed to reduce a few parts, but still more or less annoying for users. Meanwhile, SSD hard drives operate extremely smoothly and quietly.

External appearance: SSD is appreciated for its form as well as design flexibility much more than HDD (including magnetic disk and must have a continuous rotating shaft).

Battery: SSDs save more battery and cause less heat than HDDs

Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD?

To this question we would like to answer as follows: Should upgrade SSD for your laptop, computer. Because SSD will help laptop run faster, process files faster, boot up faster, even for game programs or graphics cards.

In addition, SSD drives also help prevent 100% full disk errors when using the operating system. Make working, studying, multi-tasking more convenient, shortening time.

How to upgrade SSD for laptop

How to upgrade SSD for laptop takes place within a few notes if you follow the following steps:

  1. Find out and choose to buy SSD according to the price or capacity that best suits your individual needs
  2. Before operation, save a set of windows to USB for reinstallation
  3. Power off the machine. Remove the battery. Remove the back cover of the computer. Just pull out and insert a new SSD
  4. Close the computer cover
  5. Restart the machine

Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 2Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 2

Note, if you don't know how to do it, you can find someone knowledgeable about computers to install it for you. Or bring it directly to the facilities that specialize in installing SSD drives to help you handle it.

Is it possible to install SSD and HDD in parallel?

The answer to the question 'can you install SSD and HDD in parallel' is 'completely okay'.
Just get rid of the CD tray and replace it with a dedicated bay caddy for hard drive mounting. Then, insert the SSD into the default location on the machine and the HDD into the bay caddy. Continue to reinstall win or clone win again will be faster. That's it.

Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 3Should I upgrade my laptop's SSD? Picture 3

With the information just provided above, you probably have some useful knowledge to help answer the question of whether to upgrade SSD for laptop. Good luck.

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