Shortcuts to watch videos on NhacCuaTui often use
If you are a regular visitor on NhacCuaTui, you should know the useful shortcuts on this popular website instead of having to use the mouse to control the video as before. Right now, let's join with a list of useful shortcuts when watching videos on NhacCuaTui.
Listening to music or watching videos on NhacCuaTui is something everyone has used, but not everyone knows the basic shortcut while watching. Often we will use the mouse to increase or decrease the volume or mute or video, . but with the shortcut to see videos NhacCuaTui below you will feel more interesting when you do not need to use the mouse and still control the video according to your preferences.
Shortcuts to watch videos on NhacCuaTui often use Picture 1 Instead of using your mouse, use this shortcut to watch NhacCuaTui video.
Keyboard shortcuts are useful when watching videos on NhacCuaTui
- L key (or space ): Pause or resume the video being watched.
- Key ← : Rewind 5 seconds ago.
- Ctr or J : Rewind 10 seconds ago.
- Key →: Forward to the next 5 seconds.
- Ctr or L : Forward to the next 10 seconds.
- ↑ key: Increase the volume by 5%.
- ↓ key: Reduce volume by 5%
From keys 1 to 9 fringes respectively 10% to 90% of the video, ie:
- Key 1 : Rewind to 10% of the video.
- Key 2 : Rewind to 20% of the video.
- Key 3 : Rewind to 30% of the video.
- Key 4 : Rewind to 40% of the video.
- Key 5 : Rewind to 50% of the video.
- Key 6 : Rewind to 60% of the video.
- Key 7 : Rewind to 70% of the video.
- Key 8 : Rewind to 80% of the video.
- Key 9 : Rewind to 90% of the video.
- 0 or Home key: Return to the beginning of the video and playback.
- End key: Go to the end of the video.
- Shift + N key: Go to the next video.
- F key: Leave the video in full screen mode.
- Esc key: Exit full screen mode.
- M key - mute : Turn on or turn off the video sound.
Above is a list of shortcuts when watching videos on NhacCuaTui that you should use immediately, hope this small trick will help you manipulate quickly and more effectively while watching videos.
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