Step 1:
a. Power off the printer.
b. Attach the Print Server to the printer cable (Parallel), but the 3 ports of the Prin Server need to be connected to the printer and Print Server.
c. Attach a network cable to one Print Server and one Hub / Switch input, then attach the External AC Power Apdapter to the Print Server and prohibit AC Power Apdapter into the power outlet.
d. Next step 2.
Step 2: Install the protocol in Windows 95/98 / Me.
a. Please install the required protocols: IPX / SPX - TCP / IP - NETBEUI.
b. If Windows needs to add the above protocols, proceed as follows:
Select Control Panel → select Network → select Add → select Protocal → select Microsoft from Manufacture List → select a Protocal you need → Done.
Step 3: Install Driver for Print Server in Windws 95/98 / Me:
a. Insert disc 1 into the floppy drive and run the setup.exe command
b. It offers 2 utilities, one is Network Printer Monitor and another is PSAdmin.
c. Select the instructions for installation to complete, followed by step 4.
We have PSAdmin screen when activated:
Network printer solution with Repotec Print Server. Picture 2
Step 4: Add a new driver to the printer:
If the printer is a new printer, please install [Add printer] and complete the procedure below:
a. Select Local Printer.
b. Select the appropriate printer manufacturer.
c. Select the printer model.
d. Select LPT1.
e. Printer name or default use.
f. In the Print test page, select 'No'
g. Next step 5.
Step 5: Configure Print Server:
a. Select the printer name you want to configure.
b. Select 'Properties'.
c. Select 'Details'.
d. Select 'Add Port'.
e. In 'Other', select 'Network Print Port'.
Network printer solution with Repotec Print Server. Picture 3
f. The next image appears again:
Network printer solution with Repotec Print Server. Picture 4
g. Select Print Server. (If there are 3 Print Servers on your network, please specify the name and port).
II. Install the Print Server for Windows NT.
Check the product and purchase additional equipment as noted above.
Step 1: Install the protocol in Windows NT.
a. Please install the required protocols: IPX / SPX - TCP / IP - NETBEUI.
b. If Windows needs to add the above protocols, proceed as follows:
Select Control Panel → select Network → select Add → select Protocal → select Microsoft from Manufacture List → select a Protocal you need → Done.
Step 2: Install Driver for Print Server in Windws NT:
a. Insert disc 1 into the floppy drive and run the setup.exe command
b. It offers 2 utilities, one is Network Printer Monitor and another is PSAdmin.
c. Drive disk 2 to the drive.
d. Next step 3.
Step 3: Add a new driver to the printer:
If the printer is a new printer, please install [Add printer] and complete the procedure below:
a. Select Local Printer.
b. The Add printer wizar screen will appear, select My Comoputer.
c. In Available ports, select LPT1.
d. Select the appropriate printer manufacturer.
e. Select the printer model.
f. Printer name or default use.
g. In printer sharing, click Next.
hour. In the Print test page, select 'No'
i. Next step 4.
Step 4: Configure Print Server:
a. Select the printer name you want to configure.
b. Select 'Properties'.
c. Select 'port'.
d. Select 'Add Port'.
e. In 'Available Port', select 'Network Print Port'.
f. The next image appears again:
Network printer solution with Repotec Print Server. Picture 5
g. Select Print Server. (If there are 3 Print Servers on your network, please specify the name and port).
III. Install the Print Server for Windows 2000 / XP.
Check the product and purchase additional equipment as noted above.
Step 1: Install the protocol in Windows 2000 / XP.
c. Please install the required protocols: IPX / SPX - TCP / IP - NETBEUI.
d. If Windows needs to add the above protocols, proceed as follows:
Select Control Panel → select Network and Dial-up Connects → select Local Area Connects → select Properties → select install → select protocal → select Add → in Internet component, select the Protocal you need → Done.
Step 2: Install Driver for Print Server in Windws 2000 / XP:
a. Insert disc 1 into the floppy drive and run the setup.exe command
b. It offers 2 utilities, one is Network Printer Monitor and another is PSAdmin.
c. Drive disk 2 to the drive.
d. Next step 3.
Step 3: Add a new driver to the printer:
If the printer is a new printer, please install [Add printer] and complete the procedure below:
a. Select Local Printer.
b. In Available ports, select LPT1.
c. Select the appropriate printer manufacturer.
d. Select the printer model.
e. Printer name or default use.
f. In printer sharing, click Next.
g. In the Print test page, select 'No'
hour. Next step 4.
Step 4: Configure Print Server:
a. Select the printer name you want to configure.
b. Select 'Properties'.
c. Select 'ports'.
d. Select 'Add Port'.
e. In 'Available Port', select 'Network Print Port'.
f. Select 'New Port'.
g. The next image appears again:
hour. Select Print Server. (If there are 3 Print Servers on your network, please specify the name and port).
In addition, you can also refer to how to install on NetWare, Linux, internal Web printing applications on the attached CD.
The above is my presentation on how to install and use the Print server, I hope that through this presentation, you can operate your network printing effectively, regardless of a computer. .