Microsoft Excel is the most cyber-attacked software

According to Kaspersky statistics, cyber infections and attacks in businesses are increasing. The most popular form of cyber attack is still Trojan.

Specifically, cyber attack activities are increasing with an increase of 8% over the same period last year. The number of infections among small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the first quarter of 2024 increased by 5% compared to the same period last year. The number of user malware infections hidden on devices and simulating official software is up to 2,402 cases with 4,110 files distributed as software related to SMBs.

Trojans are a popular tool for cybercriminals. Although they do not have the ability to self-replicate like viruses, they can imitate official software, adapt well and have the ability to hide from network security tools.

According to Kaspersky's records, in the period January to April 2024 there were a total of 100,465 Trojan attacks, an increase of 7% over the same period in 2023.

Among them, Microsoft Excel is the most cyber-attacked software in 2024. The next positions belong to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and Salesforce.

Microsoft Excel is the most cyber-attacked software Picture 1Microsoft Excel is the most cyber-attacked software Picture 1

Phishing is still a threat to SMBs, causing serious consequences.

Mr. Vasily Kolesnikov, cybersecurity expert at Kaspersky, said that people are the factor that affects the cybersecurity of businesses, so they need to be regularly reminded of the importance of complying with basic cybersecurity rules. copy.

What do businesses need to do to limit cyber attacks?

  1. Use the right security solutions that provide real-time protection and threat visibility.
  2. Cyber ​​security training for employees.
  3. Establish policies for access to company assets, including email boxes, shared folders, and online documents.
  4. Continuously update and remove access rights when employees no longer need to use it or leave.
  5. Ensure company information is safe in case of emergency by regularly backing up necessary data.
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