Instructions to fix basic errors on Google Chrome
Along with Firefox, Coc Coc, Google Chrome is a popular web browser and is used by many people. However, Chrome is not always able to run smoothly, sometimes it will encounter some problems, affecting the user's surfing process. In this article, Network Administrator will summarize common errors in Chrome browser such as stifling tabs, sluggish, . and how to fix for each different incident. Follow the article below.
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1. Turn off the tab, the Chrome window is frozen
Although this error is rare, it is not without exception. Each time you do not turn off the tab or not open the tab is quite annoying, because your work will suddenly stop. If you have high-configuration computers, Chrome will only be stalled, and for low-end machines, it may be inactive.
To overcome this situation, we take the following steps:
Step 1:
Press Shift + Esc key combination to open Task Manager manager on Chrome. For Mac, you access Menu / More Tools / Task Manager .
Step 2:
Soon, a series of active tabs and extensions on Chrome will appear. You go to the tab (or utility) that is failing to turn it off by left-clicking on End Process.
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Note : when performing the operation Ending the process, the tab you selected will be completely closed and all data in the tab will disappear. Therefore, remember to regularly save data if necessary.
2. Use the Chrome Clean-up Tool when the browser crashes
This error means that you open the browser, it will automatically close, or the browser cannot be opened. If you encounter this error, you can use the Chrome Clean Up Tool to detect and remove software that can create conflicts, including malware or adware.
Conflicts can occur when encountering this error:
- Could not open the browser.
- The browser homepage has changed dramatically.
- Adware installation caused many ads to appear.
- Error affecting the use of web browser.
Click on this link to download the tool to your computer.
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Note : although this tool is capable of detecting malware and adware, it is not a virus scanning or anti-virus software like other professional software. Therefore, it can only detect and remove basic malware that causes errors to Chrome.
3. Restore Chrome to default
Your browser has a problem with booting and accessing slow, sluggish websites. The reason was not because of the network, the computer is not virus because another browser is still running ok. Therefore, the solution at this time is that you need to reset Chrome browser.
You follow the path: Settings> Show advanced settings> Reset settings .
For more step by step details, you can refer to the article How to restore the browser to the default state? with resetting 3 browsers Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
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4. Your profile could not be opened correctly
Chrome has a feature to support logging in many different accounts (see the Instructions on how to sign in to multiple accounts on Chrome). Each user has his own Profile profile. Sometimes, you'll get an error that can't use book mark, sync, . in certain Profile and be notified of Your profile could not be opened correctly.
To fix this error, we follow these steps:
Step 1:
Go to the Settings and Disconnect account that Google is using .
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Step 2:
Immediately afterwards, the notice panel will appear, check the box At the same time, delete your history, bookmarks, settings and other Chrome data stored on this device . Finally click on the Disconnect account .
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After connecting again, Chrome will ask you if you want to synchronize information and data. Select Yes to have the browser restore the previous account data and we will not lose any data, including bookmarks.
5. Delete the Web Data file
A Web Data file is where Google stores passwords or data that fill your form. In some cases, this file will cause some errors related to the account on Chrome. Therefore, the solution is to delete the Web Data file to reset. The browser will automatically re-create this file when we reopen the browser.
Go to the following link to find the file: C: UsersAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefault .
will be your username.
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On the Mac will do the following:
cd / Users / [user] / Library / Application Support / Google / Chrome / Default
rm -rf History *; rm -rf Web Data;
[user] will replace your username.
6. Delete the faulty utility in the browser
Chrome provides users with many extensions, which can be installed on Chrome and can be used immediately. However, it is these utilities that will make your browser slower and heavier to open and use the browser.
Usually, immediately after installing the utility, you find that it is a problem to disable it immediately, to see if it is the cause of the error. If it has not been resolved, we are forced to remove each utility until the machine runs smoothly.
Step 1:
At the browser interface, select Other tools and select Extensions .
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Step 2:
Disable the utility by unchecking the Enabled box or deleting completely when clicking the trash can icon .
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7. Reset the browser flags
The flags on the browser will sometimes cause your Chrome to behave abnormally, be stubborn, and not be able to use the browser. The best way is to restore all flags to the end.
Step 1:
Go to Chrome, type in the address bar chrome: // flags and access.
Step 2:
Find and click the Reset all to default button (Reset all to default).
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8. Disable flash and other plugins
If your computer reports a Flash error or fails with any plugin, we can fix it in the following way:
Step 1:
At the address bar, type chrome: // plugins / and access.
Step 2:
You search for plugins that have errors such as Adobe Flash Player and Disable them .
If it's not really necessary, we can turn that plugins off.
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9. Windows scans the system error
The last remedy is to let the computer automatically run a scan of the system, which could conflict with the software in general and Chrome in particular. These system errors may also affect the problem of booting the computer. So if we see that the boot is too slow, we have to try it many times to get it.
Step 1:
In the Windows search bar, enter the cmd command to search for Command Prompt.
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Step 2:
Next we right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator .
Finally, enter the command below and press Enter.
The process of scanning and fixing errors will take several minutes and the results will appear immediately after the process is completed.
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These errors will often occur when using the Chrome browser, so save the article to have a way to handle each time the browser has a problem that cannot be used.
Refer to the following articles:
- Fix the abrupt Flash Player error on Google Chrome
- Instructions to restore Bookmark in Google Chrome and Firefox
- Retrieve saved passwords in Firefox and Chrome
I wish you all success!
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