How to Start Firefox in Safe Mode
Start Firefox in Safe Mode
Open Firefox. Click or double-click the Firefox app icon in the shape of an orange fox wrapped around a green globe.
If Firefox fails to open due to a problem and you need to start Firefox in Safe Mode, see the method for Windows or Mac, depending on your computer type.
Click the ☰ -shaped button in the upper-right corner of the Firefox page. A drop-down menu will appear.
Click Help . This option is at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
Click Restart with Add-ons Disabled . The option is at the top of the "Help" section of the drop-down menu.
Click Restart when the option appears. Firefox will close.
Click Start in Safe Mode when the option appears. Firefox will reopen in Safe Mode.
Review browser performance. If Firefox's problem no longer appears when opening in Safe Mode, it means that the cause lies in one or more add-ons you have installed.
Disable add-ons if necessary. Go to the add-ons page by clicking the -shaped button, select Add-ons and click the Extensions tab, and then select Disable or Remove. ) to the right of an extension to disable or remove the option from Firefox.
You can also reset the entire browser to factory default settings by clicking Restart with Add-ons Disabled, selecting Refresh Firefox when the task appears, and clicking Refresh Firefox when prompted. again. This will delete all browser settings and add-ons.
Start Firefox in Safe Mode on Windows
Try using keyboard shortcuts. In most cases, you can use a keyboard shortcut to start Firefox into Safe Mode. Look for the Firefox icon on your desktop, taskbar, or Start menu; Once found, you need:
Hold down the ⇧ Shift key.
Click or double-click the Firefox application icon.
Release the ⇧ Shift key when Firefox opens.
Click Start in Safe Mode when the option appears.
Troubleshoot Firefox if necessary.
Open Start. Click the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen. A window will pop up.
Open Command Prompt. You enter command prompt and then click the Command Prompt icon that appears at the top of the Start window.
Enter the command Firefox Safe Mode. Enter "C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" -safe-mode into the Command Prompt.
If you installed Firefox in a different directory than the example above, try entering the command start firefox -safe-mode.
Press ↵ Enter to execute the command.
Click Start in Safe Mode when the option appears. This will confirm your choice and open Firefox in Safe Mode, at which point you can proceed to troubleshoot the extension if necessary.
If you get an error or cannot start Firefox in Safe Mode, try entering the command "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" -safe-mode into the Command Prompt and press ↵ Enter.
Start Firefox in Safe Mode on Mac
Try using keyboard shortcuts. In most cases, you can use a keyboard shortcut to start Firefox into Safe Mode. Look for the Firefox icon in the Applications folder, Dock, or Launchpad on your Mac, then:
Hold down the ⌥ Option key.
Click (or double-click) Firefox.
Release the ⌥ Option key when Firefox opens.
Click Start in Safe Mode when the option appears.
Troubleshoot Firefox if necessary.
Open Spotlight. Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the screen. A text frame will appear.
Open Terminal. Type terminal into Spotlight, then double-click Terminal when the program appears in the application list.
Enter the command Firefox Safe Mode. Enter the command /Applications/ -safe-mode into Terminal.
Press ⏎ Return to execute the command.
Click Start in Safe Mode when the option appears. This will confirm your choice and open Firefox in Safe Mode, at which point you can proceed to troubleshoot the extension if necessary.
You should read it
- Fix Firefox browser errors in Safe Mode
- All problems with starting Windows in Safe Mode
- How to turn on Safe Mode on Android
- The procedure to open Microsoft Office 2013/2016 in Safe Mode
- How to boot into Safe Mode on Mac
- Start Safe Mode on Windows XP
- How to access Safe Mode Windows 10 on startup
- How to Exit Safe Mode
- Enable, use, and disable Safe Mode in Windows 8
- Enable Safe Mode in Windows 7
- 5 ways to turn off safe mode on Android phones
- How to Exit Safe Mode
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