How to locate your parcels with an online tracking tool ?

When a parcel is en route to its destination, there is no physical way to locate the parcel in real time.

This is the function of package tracking tools. They are used to find or locate parcels, and the whole process is virtual. With a tracking tool, you don't need much effort as long as you are using the right tool, and have your parcel's tracking number. There are many tracking tools on the market today, but recently a new platform emerged, and Ordertracker is a game changer.

Some courier services provide their tracking tools, the issue with this is, that they only display the information when the parcel is in their possession, but a study showed that international parcels pass on average by the hands of 3 different couriers, so by using the courrier's website to track your parcel, you will only have a fraction of the information. In order to obtain the data in full, you would need to go to one particular independent service, called Ordertracker. The service lets users track and monitor the progress of their parcels. It can be used to track parcels handled by any postal service worldwide.

Picture 1 of How to locate your parcels with an online tracking tool ?Picture 1 of How to locate your parcels with an online tracking tool ?

Accessing the tool

The next thing to know is how to access the platform. Well, there are two ways, the first is via the website and the second is through smartphone apps. Both of them have the same function and will produce the same results when you use them to track, and are both completely free.

How to use it ?

The process of tracking with Ordertracker is straightforward. The tracking number is an essential part of tracking because it is used to locate the parcels. Without it, you can't track any parcel. It is as easy as just copy-pasting and that's literally what you need to do. Once you have entered the number into the system, you just need to click on the search icon to start the search. You should then see the result within a few seconds, displaying you the whereabouts of your parcels. Not only is the location shown, but also the courier with your parcels and on top of that, the expected date of arrival of the parcel.

All supported couriers

The Platform works with over 1000 couriers worldwide, and guarantees that it can track any tracking number, no matter which postal service is involved, or the country of expedition.

The benefits of a tracking tool for online stores

As the growth of Ordertracker literally xploded within the last few months, with over 5 Million monthly users, and over 100 000 installs of Ordetracker's mobile app, the website launched a new service for ecommerce. It now offers online stores to directly integrate a tracking page on their website. This way, customers won't have to browse over the web, to get information about the delivery of the items they purchased.

Here are some of the perks of integrating a tracking page directly on an ecommerce store :

A less anxious customer that tolerate delays

We tend to panic over situations that are beyond our control. The same goes for deliveries, delays are not something we have control over. But with tracking, at least you can monitor it. It is claimed that a transparent tracking, reduces customers anxiety, and makes delays much more tolerable for customers.
Ordertracker claims that it can reduce by 60% the support of an ecommerce store, by simply answering one of the most asked question ''Where is my order ?'' or the so-called WISMO.

Improving trust toward the store

Trust is one of the biggest challenges in e-commerce, even when the prices and products are good, most of the online stores struggle to get their first customers. Integrating a tracking page on the website, suggests that the store is really sending the products, confident about its delivery process and is technically advanced and can be a trustworthy brand.

Much more returning customers

Returning customers is something that online stores tend to forget by mainly focusing on the acquisition of new customers. And this is definitely a missed opportunity, as someone that bought once, buys more easily the next time, and is likely to suggest your brand to friends and family.

Adding a tracking page might help here, as customers return to your website for the tracking, instead of going to USP's website for example, and this way, get more familiar with your brand.


If you want to find in full information regarding your online purchased goods from now on, there's now only one place that you need to visit. Never stress over an undelivered parcel again, just make sure to have your tracking ID, and you will find all that you need online, if not already provided by your store.

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