Effective ways to earn money in Red Dead Redemption 2

Effective ways to earn money in Red Dead Redemption 2, Effective ways to earn money in Red Dead Redemption 2, helping gamers to buy many powerful items

Making money is definitely an important part of life in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Players can only buy guns, ammo and horses with money and there are many ways to increase income in this game.

The money-making activities in the game are very interesting, but there are also many ways to make gamers spend time but the monetary rewards are meager. To avoid this problem, let's learn about effective ways to earn money in Red Dead Redemption 2, helping gamers to buy many powerful and useful items.

Actively digging for gold

Players actively digging for gold can find gold ore that can be sold for $25 and gold bars with a huge value of $500. The best thing about gold mining is that these rare items are actually all over the map, they are rarely protected and are easy to find. In fact, they will appear often even for players who are not sure where to look.

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Gold ore can be found in random chests, chests, etc. in all areas of the game map. Some gamers have found them on the floor of a cabin. However, gold bars are a bit rarer and are usually a reward for completing a treasure map. Players will always enjoy digging chests full of gold bars.

Raid the enemy's hideout

A really fun way to get through this game is to attack the enemy gang's hideout. Although there are a lot of enemies to take down, it is sure to yield some good items and often offers a fair amount of money. Take cover with a powerful gun and raid the enemy logically.

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One of the best hiding places to attack is O'Driscoll's headquarters at the Hanging Dog Ranch. There are at least 15 enemies here, and be sure to loot them, as each O'Driscoll will bring in at least $2 and a valuable item. Players can also find a variety of supplies along with large amounts of bills in the upstairs bedroom. Other gang hideouts are located in Butcher Creek, Shady Belle, and Fort Mercer.

Hunting and fishing

Non-protozoa by themselves, meat, fur, claws and other materials are not worth much, but players can easily accumulate them very quickly. Just go for a walk in the Grizzlies with the Springfield Rifle and Varmint Rifle, then shoot or skin every animal in sight.

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Fishing is another way to make easy money. By using lures, the player never has to pay to replenish hunting materials (unlike ammo), so the only requirements are a fishing rod and a little time. Find a good spot and be able to catch at least a $2 girl per minute fish.

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