How to check QR code safety before scanning
Currently, QR codes are becoming a popular, fast connection method and are used in many areas of online payment transactions such as withdrawing money using Vietcombank QR codes, or messaging chat applications, making friends on Zalo using QR codes, etc. However, QR codes are not necessarily safe for you to scan content. Therefore, we can check the safety of QR codes according to the instructions below, with a very simple implementation.
Instructions for checking QR code safety before scanning
Step 1:
First, access the RevealQR website by following the link below on your phone.
Step 2:
At the RevealQR interface, first we click on the RevealQR now box. It's free! to use the tool for free. Then click on login to log in and use your account.
Step 3:
If you already have a RevealQR account, enter your account information to log in, or click here to create a new RevealQR account . You enter your personal email address to register for an account. At this time, the website will send a verification code to the email where you registered your account for us to confirm.
Step 4:
After verifying your account, we will log in to your registered account.
Step 5:
In the website interface, we click on the Choose file icon to upload the QR code image. Select the method to upload images to the website to upload photos. Then you wait for the website to analyze the QR code and notify you whether the QR code is safe or not.
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