How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows

Dxdiag is a built-in tool on Windows. How to check your computer with the dxdiag command will give you full information about hardware, RAM, CPU, VGA..

For experienced technicians, using the "dxdiag" command is the fastest and most accurate way to check computer configuration. No need to install any other software, can be used on all Windows platforms, quick response. those are the advantages that the Dxdiag command has over other ways to check computer hardware. So how to use the dxdiag command? Is it difficult?

What is Dxdiag ?

DxDiag is the abbreviation of DirectX Diagnostic  Tool , a built-in DirectX diagnostic tool on Windows. If you are more advanced, this tool can help you diagnose and test DirectX functions, to support troubleshooting hardware problems related to images, video and sound.

How to check hardware configuration using Dxdiag command

Step 1: In the search box on Window 10, type run and open the computer's Run program . (If you use Window 7 or earlier, you can do this step by following these steps: Select Start > Select Run on the toolbar)

How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 1How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 1

Step 2: After opening the Run dialog box, enter the command " dxdiag " and select OK to launch this command.

How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 2How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 2

Step 3: At this point, the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window will appear. In it

The System tab displays the current DirectX version, the computer's host name, the operating system version, information about the system BIOS, and information about the computer's RAM and CPU.

How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 3How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 3

The Display tab will show information about your current display settings, Graphics Card information, VRam stats, etc. This tab can disable DirectDraw, Direct3D and/or AGP for troubleshooting purposes.

How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 4How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 4

The Sound section will provide users with more information about the sound driver that the computer has installed, the name as well as the version, date and time of installation.

How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 5How to check computer using dxdiag tool on Windows Picture 5

This way of checking computer configuration using the " Dxdiag " command is very easy to do but the information is extremely detailed, right? If you want to check your computer's hardware information, use this method!

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