How to capitalize the first letter in Excel
With proper nouns or proper names, when you edit content in Word or create data tables in Excel, you must capitalize the first letter. Usually during the data entry process we will capitalize the first letter using the Caps Lock key combination. However, if you have to edit the data, then using the Cap Locks key and writing each item is not feasible, time-consuming. If so, we can use the function, or use Unikey to convert uppercase to lowercase in Excel. The following article will guide you to read some of the first capital letters in Excel.
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1. Capitalize the first letter Excel when entering data
When you first start typing in Excel, the simplest way is to use the Shift key and then type the capital letters. This is the fastest capitalization method in Excel. We press the Shift key and the letter we want to capitalize and release. Then enter the content at the back.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 1
Another capitalization is using Caps Lock keys . We press Caps Lock key and enter the letter. Caps Lock keys are also used to capitalize all letters in the data box. We just need to turn on the Caps Lock key, then enter the letter. Then turn off Caps Lock to write lowercase letters. Caps Lock only applies capitalization when we turn it on.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 2
2. Capitalize the first letter Exce with the function
To capitalize the first letter in Excel, users will use the PROPER function to convert the existing text into new text, with all initials capitalized.
The formula used is = PROPER (the text needs to be capitalized in the first letter) . We can replace the text that needs to be capitalized in Excel. If you use paragraphs, you need quotation marks.
With the text in this table, when entering the function, there must be quotes 'network administrator'.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 3
If replaced by cell position, the result will also give the initial capital letter.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 4
Then just copy the result of the first cell to the remaining cells.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 5
In addition to the PROPER function in Excel, we also have the UPPER function. The UPPER function is used to capitalize all letters in Excel. The use of UPPER function is also very simple, with the syntax = UPPER (the text wants to capitalize all letters) .
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 6
The results are displayed as shown below. We drag the result in the first cell down the remaining cells to apply the UPPER formula.
How to capitalize the first letter in Excel Picture 7
Type in capital letters in Excel is very simple, you can use the keyboard or use the capitalization function. If you have to edit the table then using PROPER function will save time, if you enter it directly, use capitalized keys like normal editing.
I wish you all success!
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